C user functions for definition of model options and calculation parameters. These subroutines are called in all cases.
If the code_saturne GUI is used, this file is not required (but may be used to override parameters entered through the GUI, and to set parameters not accessible through the GUI).
Several functions are present in the file, each destined to defined specific parameters.
To modify the default value of parameters which do not appear in the examples provided, code should be placed as follows:
Base model related options (cs_user_model)
Definition of user variables or properties as well as choices of physical models should be done in the cs_user_model function, if not already done through the GUI. Gravity and reference frame rotation (for Coriolis) can also be (re)-defined here.
Activate user models (such as atmospheric flow module)
Definition: cs_atmo.h:56
cs_coal_model_t * cs_glob_coal_model
Definition: cs_coal.cpp:96
cs_coal_model_t * cs_coal_model_set_model(cs_coal_model_type_t type)
Activate coal combustion model.
Definition: cs_coal.cpp:895
Definition: cs_coal.h:88
cs_combustion_gas_model_t * cs_combustion_gas_set_model(cs_combustion_gas_model_type_t type)
Activate gas combustion model.
Definition: cs_combustion_gas.c:200
void cs_combustion_gas_set_thermochemical_data_file(const char *file_name)
Set the thermochemical data file name.
Definition: cs_combustion_gas.c:336
Definition: cs_combustion_gas.h:82
Definition: cs_gas_mix.h:54
int cs_glob_physical_model_flag[CS_N_PHYSICAL_MODEL_TYPES]
Definition: cs_physical_model.c:108
Definition: cs_physical_model.h:65
Definition: cs_physical_model.h:63
Definition: cs_physical_model.h:66
Definition: cs_physical_model.h:67
Definition: cs_physical_model.h:64
Definition: cs_physical_model.h:68
cs_rad_transfer_params_t * cs_glob_rad_transfer_params
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:55
int ieqco2
Definition: cs_coal.h:158
int idrift
Definition: cs_coal.h:156
Definition: cs_combustion_gas.h:141
bool use_janaf
Definition: cs_combustion_gas.h:187
double rosoot
Definition: cs_combustion_gas.h:201
int isoot
Definition: cs_combustion_gas.h:193
double xsoot
Definition: cs_combustion_gas.h:200
cs_rad_transfer_model_t type
Definition: cs_rad_transfer.h:134
Choose a turbulent model among the available models
cs_turb_model_t * cs_get_glob_turb_model(void)
Provide write access to turbulence model structure.
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.cpp:1425
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.h:57
Turbulence model general options descriptor.
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.h:127
int model
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.h:130
Coupled solver for Rij components (when Rij is used), and other RANS model specific settings:
cs_turb_rans_model_t * cs_get_glob_turb_rans_model(void)
Provide access to cs_glob_turb_rans_model.
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.cpp:1573
RANS turbulence model descriptor.
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.h:195
int idirsm
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.h:207
int irijco
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.h:234
int reinit_turb
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.h:231
int irccor
Definition: cs_turbulence_model.h:197
cs_thermal_model_t * cs_get_glob_thermal_model(void)
Definition: cs_thermal_model.cpp:244
Definition: cs_thermal_model.h:57
Thermal model descriptor.
Definition: cs_thermal_model.h:76
cs_thermal_model_variable_t thermal_variable
Definition: cs_thermal_model.h:79
Volume of Fluid model with mass transfer Merkle model to take into account vaporization / condensation
cs_vof_parameters_t * cs_get_glob_vof_parameters(void)
Definition: cs_vof.cpp:526
Definition: cs_vof.h:59
Definition: cs_vof.h:65
unsigned vof_model
Definition: cs_vof.h:81
VOF model parameters. Void fraction variable tracks fluid 2.
Definition: cs_vof.h:79
ALE activation
To activate ALE (Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) method (CS_ALE_NONE: switch off, CS_ALE_LEGACY: legacy solver, CS_ALE_CDO: CDO solver)
int cs_glob_ale_n_ini_f
Definition: cs_ale.cpp:94
cs_ale_type_t cs_glob_ale
Definition: cs_ale.cpp:89
Definition: cs_ale.h:59
double cs_glob_mobile_structures_i_eps
int cs_glob_mobile_structures_n_iter_max
The user can add a scalar to be solved
void cs_parameters_add_variable(const char *name, int dim)
Define a user variable.
Definition: cs_parameters.cpp:1207
After adding a scalar, the user can add the variance of this scalar
void cs_parameters_add_variable_variance(const char *name, const char *variable_name)
Define a user variable which is a variance of another variable.
Definition: cs_parameters.cpp:1248
Add a user property defined on a mesh location (cells, interior faces, boundary faces or vertices).
Definition: cs_mesh_location.h:65
void cs_parameters_add_property(const char *name, int dim, int location_id)
Define a user property.
Definition: cs_parameters.cpp:1285
Define the gravity direction and acceleration (no gravity forces if zero).
cs_physical_constants_t * cs_get_glob_physical_constants(void)
Definition: cs_physical_constants.cpp:683
Physical constants descriptor.
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:51
cs_real_t gravity[3]
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:53
Indicate the computation will use a rotating reference frame (with Coriolis forces) and specify the associated rotation.
invariant[0], invariant[1], invariant[2]);
double cs_real_t
Floating-point value.
Definition: cs_defs.h:342
void cs_rotation_define(double omega_x, double omega_y, double omega_z, double invariant_x, double invariant_y, double invariant_z)
Define a global rotation.
Definition: cs_rotation.cpp:219
int icorio
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:54
General options (cs_user_parameters)
Most settings can be specified in cs_user_parameters
Choose a time step option
cs_time_step_options_t * cs_get_glob_time_step_options(void)
Provide read/write access to cs_glob_time_step_options.
Definition: cs_time_step.cpp:415
Definition: cs_time_step.h:55
time step options descriptor
Definition: cs_time_step.h:92
cs_time_step_type_t idtvar
Definition: cs_time_step.h:98
Choose a reference time step
domain->time_step->dt_ref = dt_ref;
To set a duration
domain->time_step->nt_max = (int) (40./dt_ref);
To run a computation with a frozen velocity field (only for a restart):
cs_time_scheme_t * cs_get_glob_time_scheme(void)
Provide access to cs_glob_time_scheme.
Definition: cs_parameters.cpp:993
cs_velocity_pressure_param_t * cs_get_glob_velocity_pressure_param(void)
Provide access to cs_glob_velocity_pressure_param.
Definition: cs_velocity_pressure.cpp:441
Definition: cs_time_control.h:96
int interval_nt
Definition: cs_time_control.h:117
Time scheme descriptor.
Definition: cs_parameters.h:167
Inner velocity/pressure iteration options descriptor.
Definition: cs_velocity_pressure.h:86
cs_time_control_t time_control
Definition: cs_velocity_pressure.h:181
For example, to change the log (run_solver.log) verbosity of all the variables:
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
int cs_field_n_fields(void)
Return the number of defined fields.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:1593
cs_field_t * cs_field_by_id(int id)
Return a pointer to a field based on its id.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:2465
cs_equation_param_t * cs_field_get_equation_param(cs_field_t *f)
Access a field's equation parameters.
Definition: cs_field_default.cpp:282
Definition: cs_field.h:63
Set of parameters to handle an unsteady convection-diffusion-reaction equation with term sources.
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:192
int verbosity
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:212
Field descriptor.
Definition: cs_field.h:131
int type
Definition: cs_field.h:136
Change the required linear-solver precision required for each increment of the solution on the solved fields:
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
double epsilo
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:491
To compute a dynamic relaxation for the reconstruction sweeps used to handle non-orthogonalities (for any variable):
- iswdyn = 0: no relaxation
- iswdyn = 1: means that the last increment is relaxed
- iswdyn = 2: (default) means that the last two increments are used to relax.
@ p
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:67
#define CS_F_(e)
Macro used to return a field pointer by its enumerated value.
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:51
int iswdyn
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:473
For difficult cases, a stabilization may be obtained by not reconstructing the convective and diffusive flux for variables of the turbulence model, that is for k-epsilon models:
@ k
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:72
@ eps
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:73
int ircflu
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:482
Choice of turbulent flux model u'T' for the scalar T:
- Algebraic Models
- 0) SGDH
- 10) GGDH
- 11) EB-GGDH (Elliptic Blending)
- 20) AFM
- 21 EB-AFM (Elliptic Blending)
- Models with transport equations
- 30) 30 DFM
- 31) EB-DFM (Elliptic Blending)
const int turb_flux_model = 10;
if (f_t != nullptr)
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
int cs_field_set_key_int(cs_field_t *f, int key_id, int value)
Assign a integer value for a given key to a field.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:3227
int cs_field_get_key_int(const cs_field_t *f, int key_id)
Return a integer value for a given key associated with a field.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:3275
int cs_field_key_id(const char *name)
Return an id associated with a given key name.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:2781
cs_field_t * cs_thermal_model_field(void)
Definition: cs_thermal_model.cpp:216
Definition: cs_field.h:75
integer function iscavr(iscal)
If scalar iscal represents the mean of the square of a scalar k, return k; otherwise,...
Definition: optcal.f90:841
The following snippet shows how to blend 1st-order upwind and 2nd-order centered convective schemes: To reduce numerical diffusion, it is recommened to use a second-order scheme in space for convection (the default choice). When this causes stability issues, adding a small percent of upwind may help. For exemple, to add 2 percent of upwind, set field's blencv
parameter (representing the portion of upwind) to (1 - 0.02) to all variables, instead of relying on the defaults (usually pure centered or upwind depending on the variable type):
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
double blencv
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:489
To change limiters for the convective scheme for a given scalar:
Definition: cs_convection_diffusion.h:74
cs_field_t * cs_field_by_name(const char *name)
Return a pointer to a field based on its name.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:2489
int cs_field_set_key_double(cs_field_t *f, int key_id, double value)
Assign a floating point value for a given key to a field.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:3407
@ t
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:94
int isstpc
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:476
int ischcv
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:474
One can also choose the percentage of upwind blending when using the slope test
double blend_st
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:490
If one wants to declare a scalar as buoyant (i.e. the density depends on this scalar through a given equation of state) and add it in the velocity-pressure optional inner-iterations, one can set the dedicated keyword:
If one wants to activate drift terms on a transported scalar:
if (false)
if (false)
if (false)
if (false)
Definition: cs_parameters.h:119
Definition: cs_parameters.h:121
Definition: cs_parameters.h:120
Definition: cs_parameters.h:122
Definition: cs_parameters.h:124
Definition: cs_parameters.h:126
To set model and parameter options for the velocity-pressure coupling and resolution, see the cs_velocity_pressure_model_t and cs_velocity_pressure_param_t structures.
For example, to set the Rhie and Chow multiplication factor:
int irevmc
Definition: cs_velocity_pressure.h:112
double arak
Definition: cs_velocity_pressure.h:152
int iphydr
Definition: cs_velocity_pressure.h:88
To set the optional number of velocity-pressure inner iterations:
int nterup
Definition: cs_velocity_pressure.h:165
The temperature scale may be chosen when solving with temperature (except for predefined physical models), as shown below. When coupling with Syrthes, the same temperature scale should be used. Wen using a radiative model, be careful with conversions, as radiation boundary conditions are always defined in Kelvin.
Definition: cs_thermal_model.h:69
cs_temperature_scale_t temperature_scale
Definition: cs_thermal_model.h:84
If a user-defined scalar behaves like a temperature (relative to Cp): we neeed to set its "is_temperature" keyword to 1 (this is already done for the actual temperature):
Fluid properties.
Most fluid properties can be defined as part of the global cs_glob_fluid_properties structure, whose members can be modified as illustrated here:
cs_fluid_properties_t * cs_get_glob_fluid_properties(void)
Definition: cs_physical_constants.cpp:696
Fluid properties descriptor.
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:61
int ivivar
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:71
double kleak
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:108
double viscl0
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:75
int icp
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:65
double pthermax
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:103
double sleak
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:107
double ro0
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:74
double xyzp0[3]
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:80
int irovar
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:70
int ipthrm
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:97
double t0
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:82
double cp0
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:83
double p0
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:78
Variable diffusivity and density
Variable diffusivity for sclar fields is handled differenty, as each scalar may be assigned a specific diffusivity.
So to each thermal and user-defined scalar field, we associate a diffusivity_id keyword, which represents the id of an associated diffusivity field when using a variable (local) diffusivity, and -1 (the default) for a constant diffusivity.
- When initially set to 0, the field will be added automatically, and later calls to
cs_field_get_key_int(f, kivisl)
will return a field's diffusivity field id (where kivisl
is the "diffusivity_id" field keyword id).
- When set to an id > 0, the id of an existing, predefined field is given. This may allow sharing a diffusivity between multiple scalars.
Note that for user scalars which represent the variance of another user scalar, the diffusivity is assumed to be the same as that of the parent scalar, so values set here will be ignored.
For non-user scalars from specific physical models (coal, combustion, electric arcs, ...) implicitly defined in the model, the diffusivity should not be modified.
Caution: do not forget to complete cs_user_physical_properties with the law defining the diffusivity if ifcvsl
>= 0 has been set here.
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
integer, save kivisl
variable diffusivity field id key for scalars
Definition: numvar.f90:183
Variable associated density fields may be defined in a similar manner when a scalar's density is variable and different from the bulk density, which is sometimes the case for for fluid-solid computations with passive scalars with a different density in the solid. This must be consitent with continuity equation.
The logic is similar to that of variable diffusivity fields above:
For compressible flows, specific physical property settings may be defined if needed:
cs_cf_model_t * cs_get_glob_cf_model(void)
Provide access to compressible model global structure cs_glob_cf_model.
Definition: cs_cf_model.cpp:189
int icfgrp
Definition: cs_cf_model.h:56
integer, save kvisl0
constant diffusivity field id key for scalars
Definition: numvar.f90:180
Compressible model general options descriptor.
Definition: cs_cf_model.h:49
double viscv0
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:76
double xmasmr
Definition: cs_physical_constants.h:95
By default, the auxiliary restart file is read if present, but it may be useful to deactivate its use when restarting after a preprocessing stage possibly leading to a different number of faces (such as simply joining meshes on a different architecture or optimization level or with different options).
Writing of auxiliary restart files may also be deactivated setting cs_glob_restart_auxiliary::write_auxiliary to 0,
cs_restart_auxiliary_t * cs_glob_restart_auxiliary
int read_auxiliary
Definition: cs_parameters.h:201
Special fields and activate some automatic post-processings
For example, to force the presence of a boundary temperature field, which may be useful for postprocessing:
cs_field_t * cs_parameters_add_boundary_temperature(void)
Define a boundary values field for temperature, if applicable.
Definition: cs_parameters.cpp:1734
To add boundary values for all scalars, the following code can be added:
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
cs_field_t * cs_parameters_add_boundary_values(cs_field_t *f)
Define a boundary values field for a variable field.
Definition: cs_parameters.cpp:1624
To add handling (storage) of previous values for a field, the following following code can be added:
void cs_field_set_n_time_vals(cs_field_t *f, int n_time_vals)
Change the number of time values managed by a field.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:1767
@ t_b
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:95
Enforce existence of 'tplus' and 'tstar' fields, so that a Nusselt number may be computed using the post_boundary_nusselt subroutine. When postprocessing this quantity is activated, those fields are present, but if we need to compute them in the cs_user_extra_operations user subroutine without postprocessing them, forcing the definition of these fields to save the values computed for the boundary layer is necessary.
if (f != nullptr)
if (f != nullptr)
if (f != nullptr)
cs_field_t * cs_field_by_name_try(const char *name)
Return a pointer to a field based on its name if present.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:2515
You can activate the post-processing of the Q-criterion on the whole domain mesh with:
cs_function_t * cs_function_define_q_criterion(void)
Define function for computation of cell Q criterion.
Definition: cs_function_default.cpp:1002
Save contribution of slope test for variables in special fields. These fields are automatically created, with postprocessing output enabled, if the matching variable is convected, does not use a pure upwind scheme, and has a slope test (the slope_test_upwind_id key value for a given variable's field is automatically set to the matching postprocessing field's id, or -1 if not applicable).
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
You can activate the post-processing of clipping on turbulent quantities on the whole domain mesh with:
@ rij
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:75
Error indicators may be activated by creating one of the est_error_pre_2, est_error_der_2, est_error_cor_2, or est_error_tot_2 fields.
const char *name[] = {"est_error_cor_2",
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
cs_field_t * cs_field_create(const char *name, int type_flag, int location_id, int dim, bool has_previous)
Create a field descriptor.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:1613
Definition: cs_mesh_location.h:63
Definition: cs_field.h:69
Definition: cs_field.h:55
Input-output related examples
Input-output settings for fields can be applied as soon as a field is defined. As some fields may be defined automatically based on other field's options, it is recommended to define the settings in cs_user_finalize_setup, where all fields should have been defined.
Basic options
Frequency of log output.
void cs_log_iteration_set_interval(int n)
Set interval for "per time step" logging information.
Definition: cs_log_iteration.cpp:1914
Change a property's label (here for density, first checking if it is variable). A field's name cannot be changed, but its label, used for logging and postprocessing output, may be redefined.
int cs_field_set_key_str(cs_field_t *f, int key_id, const char *str)
Assign a character string for a given key to a field.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:3525
@ cp
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:102
Postprocessing output
Activate or deactivate probes output.
int cs_field_set_key_int_bits(cs_field_t *f, int key_id, int mask)
Set integer bits matching a mask to 1 for a given key for a field.
Definition: cs_field.cpp:3346
@ vel
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:70
Definition: cs_post.h:63
Probes for Radiative Transfer (Luminance and radiative density flux vector).
if (f != nullptr)
if (f != nullptr)
Definition: cs_post.h:60
Base model for CDO/HHO schemes
Activation of CDO/HHO schemes
Two modes are available:
- CS_PARAM_CDO_MODE_ONLY for a usage of CDO, HHO or MAC in stand-lone (i.e. without the legacy Finite Volume approach)
- CS_PARAM_CDO_MODE_WITH_FV for a usage which can share some equations/models solved with CDO/HHO schemes and some other equations/models solved with the legacy Finite Volume approach
CDO/HHO schemes can be activated within this function as follows:
void cs_param_cdo_mode_set(cs_param_cdo_mode_t mode)
Set the global variable storing the mode of activation to apply to CDO/HHO schemes....
Definition: cs_param_cdo.cpp:87
Definition: cs_param_cdo.h:98
Domain boundary with CDO/HHO schemes
Several types of domain boundaries can be defined. There are gathered in cs_domain_boundary_type_t The definition of the domain boundaries for CDO/HHO schemes can be specified as follows:
void cs_boundary_set_default(cs_boundary_t *boundaries, cs_boundary_type_t type)
Set the default boundary related to the given cs_boundary_t structure.
Definition: cs_boundary.cpp:429
void cs_boundary_add(cs_boundary_t *bdy, cs_boundary_type_t type, const char *zone_name)
Add a new boundary type for a given boundary zone.
Definition: cs_boundary.cpp:505
Definition: cs_boundary.h:89
Definition: cs_boundary.h:80
cs_domain_t * cs_glob_domain
Definition: cs_domain.cpp:89
Structure storing information related to the "physical" boundaries associated with the computational ...
Definition: cs_boundary.h:155
Structure storing the main features of the computational domain and pointers to the main geometrical ...
Definition: cs_domain.h:129
cs_boundary_t * boundaries
Definition: cs_domain.h:152
Output with CDO/HHO schemes
The management of the level and frequency of details written by the code can be specified for CDO/HHO schemes as follows:
void cs_domain_set_output_param(cs_domain_t *domain, int restart_nt, int log_nt, int verbosity)
Set parameters related to the way output/logging is done.
Definition: cs_domain.cpp:352
Definition: cs_restart.h:53
Time step with CDO/HHO schemes
The management of the time step with CDO/HHO schemes can be specified as follows:
void cs_domain_def_time_step_by_value(cs_domain_t *domain, double dt)
Define the value of the time step.
Definition: cs_domain_setup.cpp:433
void cs_domain_set_time_param(cs_domain_t *domain, int nt_max, double t_max)
Set parameters for unsteady computations: the max number of time steps or the final physical time of ...
Definition: cs_domain_setup.cpp:328
Wall distance with CDO/HHO schemes
The computation of the wall distance with CDO schemes is performed as follows:
void cs_walldistance_activate(void)
Activate the future computation of the wall distance.
Definition: cs_walldistance.cpp:425
Add a user-defined equation with CDO/HHO schemes
The add of a user-defined equation solved by CDO/HHO schemes is specified as follows:
cs_equation_t * cs_equation_add_user(const char *eqname, const char *varname, int dim, cs_param_bc_type_t default_bc)
Add a new user equation structure and set a first set of parameters.
Definition: cs_equation.cpp:1592
Definition: cs_param_types.h:487
Definition: cs_param_types.h:483
Add user-defined properties with CDO/HHO schemes
The add of a new user-defined property with CDO/HHO schemes is specified as follows:
cs_property_t * cs_property_add(const char *name, cs_property_type_t type)
Create and initialize a new property structure.
Definition: cs_property.cpp:1047
Definition: cs_property.h:75
Definition: cs_property.h:88
If you want to compute the Fourier number related to a given property in an unsteady simulation
cs_property_t * cs_property_by_name(const char *name)
Find the related property definition from its name.
Definition: cs_property.cpp:1179
void cs_property_set_option(cs_property_t *pty, cs_property_key_t key)
Set optional parameters related to a cs_property_t structure.
Definition: cs_property.cpp:1226
Definition: cs_property.h:134
Structure associated to the definition of a property relying on the cs_xdef_t structure.
Add user-defined advection field with CDO/HHO schemes
The definition of an advection field allows one to handle flows with a frozen velocity field or the transport of scalar quantities without solving the Navier-Stokes system. The add of a new user-defined advection field with CDO/HHO schemes is specified as follows:
assert(adv != nullptr);
cs_adv_field_t * cs_advection_field_add_user(const char *name)
Add and initialize a new user-defined advection field structure.
Definition: cs_advection_field.cpp:440
Definition: cs_advection_field.h:151
If you need to activate advanced options related to advection fields, you can also specify a user-defined advection field as follows:
assert(adv != nullptr);
When an advection field is defined, it is possible to retrieve it and then set a post-processing operation as follows:
void cs_advection_field_set_postprocess(cs_adv_field_t *adv, cs_flag_t post_flag)
Set optional post-processings.
Definition: cs_advection_field.cpp:720
cs_adv_field_t * cs_advection_field_by_name(const char *name)
Search in the array of advection field structures which one has the name given in argument.
Definition: cs_advection_field.cpp:390
Definition: cs_advection_field.h:62
Define or modify general numerical and physical user parameters
CDO/HHO schemes
Modifiy the numerical parameters related to a given equation.
cs_equation_param_t * cs_equation_param_by_name(const char *eqname)
Return the cs_equation_param_t structure associated to a cs_equation_t structure based on the equatio...
Definition: cs_equation.cpp:600
void cs_equation_param_set(cs_equation_param_t *eqp, cs_equation_key_t key, const char *keyval)
Set a parameter attached to a keyname in a cs_equation_param_t structure.
Definition: cs_equation_param.cpp:1419
Definition: cs_equation_param.h:1246
Finalize the set-up for CDO/HHO schemes
Set up properties with CDO/HHO schemes
When a property has been added, the second step is to define this property. According to the type of property (isotropic, orthotropic or anisotropic) definitions differ. Here are two examples:
cs_real_33_t tensor = {{1.0, 0.5, 0.0}, {0.5, 1.0, 0.5}, {0.0, 0.5, 1.0}};
cs_real_t cs_real_33_t[3][3]
3x3 matrix of floating-point values
Definition: cs_defs.h:368
cs_xdef_t * cs_property_def_iso_by_value(cs_property_t *pty, const char *zname, double val)
Define an isotropic cs_property_t structure by value for entities related to a volume zone.
Definition: cs_property.cpp:1783
cs_xdef_t * cs_property_def_aniso_by_value(cs_property_t *pty, const char *zname, cs_real_t tens[3][3])
Define an anisotropic cs_property_t structure by value for entities related to a volume zone.
Definition: cs_property.cpp:1978
Set up user-defined advection field with CDO/HHO schemes
When an advection field has been added, the second step is to define this advection field. Here are is an example of definition using an anlytic function and the activation of optional features:
void cs_advection_field_def_by_analytic(cs_adv_field_t *adv, cs_analytic_func_t *func, void *input)
Define a cs_adv_field_t structure thanks to an analytic function.
Definition: cs_advection_field.cpp:768
Set up the boundary conditions for an equation
cs_xdef_t * cs_equation_add_bc_by_analytic(cs_equation_param_t *eqp, const cs_param_bc_type_t bc_type, const char *z_name, cs_analytic_func_t *analytic, void *input)
Define and initialize a new structure to set a boundary condition related to the given equation param...
Definition: cs_equation_param.cpp:2610
Definition: cs_param_types.h:484
Add terms to an equation
Add terms like diffusion term, advection term, unsteady term, reaction terms or source terms.
void cs_equation_add_advection(cs_equation_param_t *eqp, cs_adv_field_t *adv_field)
Associate a new term related to the advection operator for the equation associated to the given cs_eq...
Definition: cs_equation_param.cpp:3190
void cs_equation_add_time(cs_equation_param_t *eqp, cs_property_t *property)
Associate a new term related to the time derivative operator for the equation associated to the given...
Definition: cs_equation_param.cpp:3165
void cs_equation_add_diffusion(cs_equation_param_t *eqp, cs_property_t *property)
Associate a new term related to the Laplacian operator for the equation associated to the given cs_eq...
Definition: cs_equation_param.cpp:3082
Linear solver related options
By default, code_saturne will use a multigrid algorithm for pressure and iterative solver for other variables. For a given case, checking the setup file resulting from a first calculation will provide more info.
Available solvers include a variety of iterative linear solvers, described in more detail at cs_sles_it_create, and a multigrid solver, whose definition and settings are described at cs_multigrid_create, cs_multigrid_set_coarsening_options, and cs_multigrid_set_solver_options.
Simple options may be set using the GUI, but more advanced settings, possible using the cs_user_linear_solvers function are described in this section. It is also recommended to read the documentation of cs_sles.c (which is a solver definition "container"), cs_sles_it.c (iterative solvers, with available types cs_sles_it_type_t), and cs_multigrid.c (which are actual solver implementations). The API provided is extensible, so it is possible for a user to define other solvers or link to external solver libraries using this system, without requiring any modification to non-user source files.
The examples which follow illustrate mostly simple setting changes which may be useful.
Example: distance to wall
By default, the wall distance (active only with turbulence models which require it) is computed with a preconditioned conjugate gradient. The following example shows how to use a multigrid solver for this quantity (useful especially if computed repeatedly, such as for ALE).
cs_multigrid_t * cs_multigrid_define(int f_id, const char *name, cs_multigrid_type_t mg_type)
Define and associate a multigrid sparse linear system solver for a given field or equation name.
Definition: cs_multigrid.cpp:4464
Definition: cs_multigrid.h:59
Example: user variable
The following example shows how to set the linear solver for a given user variable field so as to use a BiCGStab solver with polynomial preconditioning of degree 1.
if (cvar_user_1 != nullptr) {
cs_sles_it_t * cs_sles_it_define(int f_id, const char *name, cs_sles_it_type_t solver_type, int poly_degree, int n_max_iter)
Define and associate an iterative sparse linear system solver for a given field or equation name.
Definition: cs_sles_it.cpp:4223
Definition: cs_sles_it.h:64
int id
Definition: cs_field.h:135
Changing the verbosity
By default, a linear solver uses the same verbosity as its matching variable, and is not verbose for non-variable quantities. The verbosity may be specifically set for linear system resolution, as shown in the following example:
void cs_sles_set_verbosity(cs_sles_t *sles, int verbosity)
Set the verbosity for a given linear equation solver.
Definition: cs_sles.cpp:1450
cs_sles_t * cs_sles_find_or_add(int f_id, const char *name)
Return pointer to linear system object, based on matching field id or system name.
Definition: cs_sles.cpp:1273
struct _cs_sles_t cs_sles_t
Definition: cs_sles.h:68
Example: error visualization
The following example shows how to activate local error visualization output (here for velocity and pressure).
Definition: cs_post.h:69
void cs_sles_set_post_output(cs_sles_t *sles, int writer_id)
Activate postprocessing output for a given linear equation solver.
Definition: cs_sles.cpp:1488
Example: advanced multigrid settings
The following example shows how to set advanced settings for the multigrid solver used for the pressure solution.
Definition: cs_grid.h:57
void cs_multigrid_set_coarsening_options(cs_multigrid_t *mg, int aggregation_limit, cs_grid_coarsening_t coarsening_type, int n_max_levels, cs_gnum_t min_g_rows, double p0p1_relax, int postprocess_block_size)
Set multigrid coarsening parameters.
Definition: cs_multigrid.cpp:4741
void cs_multigrid_set_solver_options(cs_multigrid_t *mg, cs_sles_it_type_t descent_smoother_type, cs_sles_it_type_t ascent_smoother_type, cs_sles_it_type_t coarse_solver_type, int n_max_cycles, int n_max_iter_descent, int n_max_iter_ascent, int n_max_iter_coarse, int poly_degree_descent, int poly_degree_ascent, int poly_degree_coarse, double precision_mult_descent, double precision_mult_ascent, double precision_mult_coarse)
Set multigrid parameters for associated iterative solvers.
Definition: cs_multigrid.cpp:4827
struct _cs_multigrid_t cs_multigrid_t
Definition: cs_multigrid.h:68
Definition: cs_sles_it.h:61
Definition: cs_sles_it.h:57
Example: multigrid preconditioner settings
The following example shows how to use multigrid as a preconditioner for a conjugate gradient solver (for the pressure correction), and set advanced settings for that multigrid preconditioner.
cs_sles_pc_t * cs_multigrid_pc_create(cs_multigrid_type_t mg_type)
Create a multigrid preconditioner.
Definition: cs_multigrid.cpp:5476
void cs_sles_it_transfer_pc(cs_sles_it_t *context, cs_sles_pc_t **pc)
Assign a preconditioner to an iterative sparse linear equation solver, transfering its ownership to t...
Definition: cs_sles_it.cpp:5127
cs_sles_pc_t * cs_sles_it_get_pc(cs_sles_it_t *context)
Return a preconditioner context for an iterative sparse linear equation solver.
Definition: cs_sles_it.cpp:5098
struct _cs_sles_it_t cs_sles_it_t
Definition: cs_sles_it.h:86
Definition: cs_sles_it.h:68
Definition: cs_sles_it.h:58
const char * cs_sles_pc_get_type(cs_sles_pc_t *pc)
Return type name of preconditioner context.
Definition: cs_sles_pc.cpp:832
void * cs_sles_pc_get_context(cs_sles_pc_t *pc)
Return pointer to preconditioner context structure pointer.
Definition: cs_sles_pc.cpp:878
struct _cs_sles_pc_t cs_sles_pc_t
Definition: cs_sles_pc.h:66
Multigrid parallel settings
In parallel, grids may optionally be merged across neigboring ranks when their local size becomes too small. This tends to deepen the grid hierarchy, as some parallel rank boundaries are removed. Depending on the architecture and processor/network performance ratios, this may increase or decrease performance.
void cs_multigrid_set_merge_options(cs_multigrid_t *mg, int rank_stride, int rows_mean_threshold, cs_gnum_t rows_glob_threshold)
Set global multigrid parameters for parallel grid merging behavior.
Definition: cs_multigrid.cpp:5801
Example: DOM radiation settings
For DOM radiation models, 1 solver is assigned for each direction this allows using a specific ordering for each direction for the default Block Gauss-Seidel solver.
The example below shows how to set a non-default linear solver for DOM radiation. Here, we assume a quadrature with 32 directions is used (if more solvers than directions are specified, the extra definitions will be unused, but this causes no further issues).
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
char name[16];
sprintf(name, "radiation_%03d", i+1);
Plotting solver convergence
The following example shows how to activate convergence plotting for built-in iterative or multigrid solvers.
bool use_iteration = true;
void cs_multigrid_set_plot_options(cs_multigrid_t *mg, const char *base_name, bool use_iteration)
Set plotting options for multigrid.
Definition: cs_multigrid.cpp:5718
void * cs_sles_get_context(cs_sles_t *sles)
Return pointer to solver context structure pointer.
Definition: cs_sles.cpp:1568
const char * cs_sles_get_type(cs_sles_t *sles)
Return type name of solver context.
Definition: cs_sles.cpp:1548
void cs_sles_it_set_plot_options(cs_sles_it_t *context, const char *base_name, bool use_iteration)
Set plotting options for an iterative sparse linear equation solver.
Definition: cs_sles_it.cpp:5538
const char * name
Definition: cs_field.h:133
Plots will appear as CSV (comma-separated value) files in the monitoring subdirectory.
Using PETSc
The following example shows how to setup a solver to use the PETSc library, if the code was built with PETSc support.
General options (those passed to PETSc through command line options) may be defined directly in cs_user_linear_solvers, for example:
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-ksp_type", "cg");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_type", "jacobi");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-ksp_type", "cg");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_type", "jacobi");
MPI_Comm cs_glob_mpi_comm
Definition: cs_defs.cpp:183
A specific system may be set up to use PETsc, as is shown here for the pressure variable:
cs_sles_petsc_t * cs_sles_petsc_define(int f_id, const char *name, const char *matrix_type, cs_sles_petsc_setup_hook_t *setup_hook, void *context)
Define and associate a PETSc linear system solver for a given field or equation name.
Definition: cs_sles_petsc.cpp:852
The basic matrix format to be used by PETSc is defined at this stage, using a PETSc MatType string (see PETSc documentation). Further options may be defined in a setup hook function, as follows:
static void
_petsc_p_setup_hook(void *context,
void *ksp_p)
KSP ksp = (KSP)ksp_p;
PC pc;
KSPSetType(ksp, KSPCG);
KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc);
PCSetType(pc, PCJACOBI);
#define CS_UNUSED(x)
Definition: cs_defs.h:528
If no additional settings are required, the matching parameter in cs_sles_petsc_define may be set to NULL.
Using PETSc with GAMG
To use PETSc's GAMG (geometric-algebraic multigrid) preconditioner, the following general options should be set:
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-ksp_type", "cg");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_type", "gamg");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths", "1");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-mg_levels_ksp_type", "richardson");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-mg_levels_pc_type", "sor");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-mg_levels_ksp_max_it", "1");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_gamg_threshold", "0.02");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_gamg_reuse_interpolation", "TRUE");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_gamg_square_graph", "4");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-ksp_type", "cg");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_type", "gamg");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths", "1");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-mg_levels_ksp_type", "richardson");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-mg_levels_pc_type", "sor");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-mg_levels_ksp_max_it", "1");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_gamg_threshold", "0.02");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_gamg_reuse_interpolation", "TRUE");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_gamg_square_graph", "4");
Setting GAMG-preconditioned PCG for the pressure may be done as in the previous option, ensuring here that a matrix structure native to PETSc is used (SEQAIJ, MPIAIJ, or some other AIJ variant), so all required matrix operations are available:
With the associated setup hook function:
static void
_petsc_p_setup_hook_gamg(void *context,
void *ksp_p)
KSP ksp = (KSP)ksp_p;
PC pc;
KSPSetType(ksp, KSPCG);
KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc);
PCSetType(pc, PCGAMG);
Using PETSc with HYPRE
To use HYPRE's Boomer AMG as a PETSc preconditioner, the following general options should be set:
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-ksp_type", "cg");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_type", "hypre");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_hypre_type","boomeramg");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_coarsen_type", "HMIS");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_interp_type", "ext+i-cc");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_agg_nl","2");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_P_max","4");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold", "0.5");
PetscOptionsSetValue(nullptr, "-pc_hypre_boomeramg_no_CF","");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-ksp_type", "cg");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_type", "hypre");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_type", "boomeramg");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_coarsen_type", "HMIS");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_interp_type", "ext+i-cc");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_agg_nl", "2");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_P_max", "4");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold", "0.5");
PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_no_CF", "");
Setting BoomerAMG-preconditioned PCG for the pressure may be done as in the previous option, ensuring here that a matrix structure native to PETSc is used (SEQAIJ, MPIAIJ, or some other AIJ variant), so all required matrix operations are available:
With the associated setup hook function:
static void
_petsc_p_setup_hook_bamg(void *context,
void *ksp_p)
KSP ksp = (KSP)ksp_p;
PC pc;
KSPSetType(ksp, KSPCG);
KSPGetPC(ksp, &pc);
PCSetType(pc, PCHYPRE);
Additional PETSc features
Many additional features are possible with PETSc; for example, the following setup hook also outputs a view of the matrix, depending on an environment variable, CS_USER_PETSC_MAT_VIEW
, which may take values DEFAULT
, or DRAW:
static void
_petsc_p_setup_hook_view(void *context,
void *ksp_p)
KSP ksp = (KSP)ksp_p;
const char *
p = getenv(
Mat a, pa;
KSPGetOperators(ksp, &a, &pa);
if (strcmp(
"DEFAULT") == 0) {
#if defined(HAVE_MPI)
else if (strcmp(
"DRAW_WORLD") == 0)
else if (strcmp(
"DRAW") == 0) {
PetscViewer viewer;
PetscDraw draw;
PetscViewerDrawOpen(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, nullptr, "PETSc View",
0, 0, 600, 600, &viewer);
PetscViewerDrawGetDraw(viewer, 0, &draw);
PetscViewerDrawSetPause(viewer, -1);
MatView(a, viewer);
int cs_glob_n_ranks
Definition: cs_defs.cpp:175
Using AmgX
The AmgX library provides advanced solvers targeting NVIDIA GPUs.
As described in its documentation, AmgX solvers can be configured either using a configuration string (containing key/value pairs), or
.json formatted files.
The following example shows how to setup a solver to use the AmgX library, if the code was built with AmgX support. In this example, a configuration file (which must be present in the case's DATA
directory) is used.
void cs_sles_amgx_set_config_file(void *context, const char *path)
Set the solver configuration file for an AmgX solver.
Definition: cs_sles_amgx.cpp:1043
cs_sles_amgx_t * cs_sles_amgx_define(int f_id, const char *name)
Define and associate an AmgX linear system solver for a given field or equation name.
Definition: cs_sles_amgx.cpp:761
struct _cs_sles_amgx_t cs_sles_amgx_t
Definition: cs_sles_amgx.h:60
To set options using a string, the cs_sles_amgx_set_config function may be used intead of cs_sles_amgx_set_config_file. If neither is called, a defaut configuration is used.
The cs_sles_amgx_set_pin_memory and cs_sles_amgx_set_use_device functions may also be called to modify default behavior relative to using pinned memory and running on the device or host.
Time moment related options
code_saturne allows the calculation of temporal means or variances, either of expressions evaluated through a user function, or of expressions of the type
. The variables may be fields or field components. This is done calling either through the GUI, or in the user function cs_user_time_moments. Each temporal mean is declared using either cs_time_moment_define_by_func, or cs_time_moment_define_by_field_ids.
For each time moment, a starting time step or value is defined. If the starting time step number is negative, the time value is used instead.
The moment values are stored as fields, and updated at each time step, using recursive formulas. Before the matching moment computation starting time step, a moment's values are uniformly 0. For visualization an interpretation reasons, only fields of dimension 1, 3, 6, or 9 (scalars, vectors, or tensors of rank 2) are allowed, so moment definitions not matching this constraint should be split.
To count defined moments, use the cs_time_moment_n_moments function, whether from Fortran or C. To access the matching fields, use time_moment_field_id in Fortran, or cs_time_moment_get_field in C.
Example 1
In the following example, we define a moment for the mean velocity. All components are used (component -1 means all components), so the moment is a vector.
int moment_c_id[] = {-1};
int n_fields = 1;
int cs_time_moment_define_by_field_ids(const char *name, int n_fields, const int field_id[], const int component_id[], cs_time_moment_type_t type, int nt_start, double t_start, cs_time_moment_restart_t restart_mode, const char *restart_name)
Define a moment of a product of existing fields components.
Definition: cs_time_moment.cpp:1533
Definition: cs_time_moment.h:68
Definition: cs_time_moment.h:58
In the next example, we define the variance of the vector velocity. All components are used again (component -1 means all components), so the moment is a tensor.
int moment_c_id[] = {-1};
int n_fields = 1;
Definition: cs_time_moment.h:59
Example 2
In the next example, we multiply the expression by the density. As the density is of dimension 1, and the velocity of dimension 3, the resulting moment is of dimension 3.
int moment_c_id[] = {-1, -1};
int n_fields = 2;
@ rho
Definition: cs_field_pointer.h:99
Example 3
In the next example, we define a product of several field components, all of dimension 1, as we consider only the x and y components of the velocity; for the density, we cas use either component 0 or -1 (all), since the field is scalar.
This moment's computation is also restarted at each time step.
int moment_c_id[] = {-1, 0, 1};
int n_fields = 3;
Definition: cs_time_moment.h:67
Example 4
This next example illustrates the use of user-defined functions to evaluate expressions. Here, we compute the moment of the sum ot two variables (which obviously cannot be expressed as a product), so we first need to define an appropriate function, matching the signature of a cs_time_moment_data_t function. We can name that function as we choose, so naming for clarity is recommmended. Note that in this case, the input argument is not used. This argument may be useful to pass data to the function, or distinguish between calls to a same function.
Note also that we compute both means and variances here.
static void
_simple_data_sum(const void *input,
vals[i] = s1[i] + s2[i];
Definition: cs_defs.h:529
int cs_lnum_t
local mesh entity id
Definition: cs_defs.h:335
const cs_lnum_t * cs_mesh_location_get_n_elts(int id)
Get a mesh location's number of elements.
Definition: cs_mesh_location.cpp:823
cs_real_t * val
Definition: cs_field.h:152
In cs_user_time_moments, we can now assign that function to a moments definition:
const char *sum_comp_name[] = {"species_sum_mean", "species_sum_variance"};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int cs_time_moment_define_by_func(const char *name, int location_id, int dim, bool is_intensive, cs_time_moment_data_t *data_func, const void *data_input, cs_time_moment_data_t *w_data_func, void *w_data_input, cs_time_moment_type_t type, int nt_start, double t_start, cs_time_moment_restart_t restart_mode, const char *restart_name)
Define a moment whose data values will be computed using a specified function.
Definition: cs_time_moment.cpp:1594
Definition: cs_time_moment.h:56
Example 5
This next example illustrates the use of another user-defined function to evaluate expressions. Here, we compute the moment of the thermal flux at the boundary. We also that we compute both means and variances here.
static void
_boundary_thermal_flux(const void *input,
void cs_post_boundary_flux(const char *scalar_name, cs_lnum_t n_loc_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[], cs_real_t b_face_flux[])
Compute scalar flux on a specific boundary region.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:850
In cs_user_time_moments, we assign that function to a moments definition:
const char *sum_comp_name[] = {"thermal_flux_mean", "thermal_flux_variance"};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Example 6
In this last example, we compute components of the mean velocity in the case of a rotating mesh. As the mesh orientation changes at each time step, it is necessary to compensate for this rotation when computing the mean, relative to a given mesh position. When using the matching moment, it will also be necessary to account for the mesh position.
Here, the same function will be called for each component, so an input array is defined, with a different key (here a simple character) used for each call.
static void
_velocity_moment_data(const void *input,
const char key = *((const char *)input);
double omgnrm = fabs(rot->omega);
cs_real_3_t e_ax = {rot->axis[0], rot->axis[1], rot->axis[2]};
e_th[0] /= xnrm;
e_th[1] /= xnrm;
e_th[2] /= xnrm;
e_r[0] /= xnrm;
e_r[1] /= xnrm;
e_r[2] /= xnrm;
xvt -= omgnrm*xr;
if (key == 'r')
vals[i] = xvr;
else if (key == 't')
vals[i] = xvt;
else if (key == 'a')
vals[i] = xva;
#define restrict
Definition: cs_defs.h:145
cs_real_t cs_real_3_t[3]
vector of 3 floating-point values
Definition: cs_defs.h:359
static CS_F_HOST_DEVICE cs_real_t cs_math_3_square_norm(const cs_real_t v[3])
Compute the square norm of a vector of 3 real values.
Definition: cs_math.h:781
static CS_F_HOST_DEVICE cs_real_t cs_math_3_dot_product(const cs_real_t u[3], const cs_real_t v[3])
Compute the dot product of two vectors of 3 real values.
Definition: cs_math.h:696
cs_mesh_quantities_t * cs_glob_mesh_quantities
cs_rotation_t * cs_glob_rotation
static void cs_rotation_velocity(const cs_rotation_t *r, const cs_real_t coords[3], cs_real_t vr[3])
Compute velocity relative to a fixed frame at a given point.
Definition: cs_rotation.h:127
static void cs_rotation_coriolis_v(const cs_rotation_t *r, cs_real_t c, const cs_real_t v[3], cs_real_t vr[3])
Compute a vector Coriolis term.
Definition: cs_rotation.h:173
cs_real_t * cell_cen
Definition: cs_mesh_quantities.h:94
Subdomain rotation description.
Definition: cs_rotation.h:46
Note that the input arrays must be accessible when updating moments at each time step, so the array of inputs is declared static in cs_user_time_moments. Fo more complex inputs, we would have an array of inputs here; in this simple case, we could pass a simple call id as the input, casting from point to integer.
const char *vel_comp_name[] = {"Wr_moy", "Wt,moy", "Wa_moy"};
static char vel_comp_input[3] = {'r', 't', 'a'};
for (int comp_id = 0; comp_id < 3; comp_id++) {
To activate means for all variables:
int moment_f_id[] = {f_id};
int moment_c_id[] = {-1};
int n_fields = 1;
const char extension[] = "_mean";
char *mean_name;
strcpy(mean_name, f->
strcat(mean_name, extension);
#define BFT_MALLOC(_ptr, _ni, _type)
Definition: bft_mem.h:58
Calculation options for the atmospheric module
In the following example, options for the atmospheric module are set in cs_user_model.
Atmospheric options are available in the following structure:
cs_atmo_option_t * cs_glob_atmo_option
Definition: cs_atmo.h:143
One can set the microphysics parameterization opitons as follows:
int distribution_model
Definition: cs_atmo.h:300
int sedimentation_model
Definition: cs_atmo.h:275
int deposition_model
Definition: cs_atmo.h:277
int subgrid_model
Definition: cs_atmo.h:295
int nucleation_model
Definition: cs_atmo.h:287
One can set information relative to meteo profiles:
void cs_atmo_set_meteo_file_name(const char *file_name)
This function set the file name of the meteo file.
Definition: cs_atmo.cpp:4964
Definition: cs_atmo.h:94
int squant
Definition: cs_atmo.h:148
cs_real_t meteo_dlmo
Definition: cs_atmo.h:313
cs_real_t ssec
Definition: cs_atmo.h:154
int syear
Definition: cs_atmo.h:146
bool compute_z_ground
Definition: cs_atmo.h:268
int shour
Definition: cs_atmo.h:150
cs_real_t meteo_t0
Definition: cs_atmo.h:341
int smin
Definition: cs_atmo.h:152
int meteo_phih_s
Definition: cs_atmo.h:368
cs_real_t meteo_ustar0
Definition: cs_atmo.h:335
cs_real_t meteo_z0
Definition: cs_atmo.h:315
cs_real_t latitude
Definition: cs_atmo.h:158
int meteo_phim_s
Definition: cs_atmo.h:366
cs_real_t longitude
Definition: cs_atmo.h:156
int open_bcs_treatment
Definition: cs_atmo.h:270
int meteo_profile
Definition: cs_atmo.h:307
cs_real_t meteo_zref
Definition: cs_atmo.h:317
cs_real_t meteo_psea
Definition: cs_atmo.h:349
cs_real_t meteo_angle
Definition: cs_atmo.h:339
One can set information relative to large scale imbrication:
cs_atmo_imbrication_t * cs_glob_atmo_imbrication
bool cressman_theta
Definition: cs_atmo.h:604
cs_real_t horizontal_influence_radius
Definition: cs_atmo.h:608
bool cressman_u
Definition: cs_atmo.h:598
bool cressman_eps
Definition: cs_atmo.h:603
bool cressman_v
Definition: cs_atmo.h:599
bool cressman_qw
Definition: cs_atmo.h:600
cs_real_t vertical_influence_radius
Definition: cs_atmo.h:607
bool imbrication_verbose
Definition: cs_atmo.h:594
bool cressman_nc
Definition: cs_atmo.h:601
bool imbrication_flag
Definition: cs_atmo.h:593
bool cressman_tke
Definition: cs_atmo.h:602
One can set information relative to meteo chemistry:
void cs_atmo_set_aero_conc_file_name(const char *file_name)
This function set the file name of the aerosol file.
Definition: cs_atmo.cpp:5022
void cs_atmo_set_chem_conc_file_name(const char *file_name)
This function set the file name of the chemistry file.
Definition: cs_atmo.cpp:4993
cs_atmo_chemistry_t * cs_glob_atmo_chemistry
Definition: cs_atmo.h:81
int model
Definition: cs_atmo.h:518
cs_atmo_aerosol_type_t aerosol_model
Definition: cs_atmo.h:531
bool chemistry_with_photolysis
Definition: cs_atmo.h:526
bool frozen_gas_chem
Definition: cs_atmo.h:534
int chemistry_sep_mode
Definition: cs_atmo.h:523
One can set information relative to soil modelling:
Definition: cs_atmo.h:106
const cs_zone_t * cs_boundary_zone_by_name(const char *name)
Return a pointer to a boundary zone based on its name if present.
Definition: cs_boundary_zone.cpp:711
int soil_zone_id
Definition: cs_atmo.h:432
cs_atmo_soil_cat_t soil_cat
Definition: cs_atmo.h:430
int soil_model
Definition: cs_atmo.h:425
int id
Definition: cs_zone.h:59
One can set information relative to 1D radiative transfer:
for (
cs_real_t zzmax = (((
int) zvmax)/1000)*1000.;
zzmax <= (ztop -1000);
zzmax += 1000.) {
int radiative_model_1d
Definition: cs_atmo.h:185
int rad_1d_nlevels_max
Definition: cs_atmo.h:192
int rad_1d_nvert
Definition: cs_atmo.h:187
int rad_1d_nlevels
Definition: cs_atmo.h:189
Fan modelling options
code_saturne allows modelling of some circular fans as volume regions, defined by simple geometric characteristics, and modeled as explicit momentum source terms in those regions.
Fan pressure characteristic curves are defined as a 2nd order polynomial, and a torque may also be specified. For correct results, it is important that the mesh match the fan dimensions and placement (thickness, hub, blades, and total radius).
The following example shows how a fan may be defined:
const cs_real_t inlet_axis_coords[3] = {0, 0, 0};
const cs_real_t outlet_axis_coords[3] = {0.1, 0, 0};
const cs_real_t pressure_curve_coeffs[3] = {0.6, -0.1, -0.05};
void cs_fan_define(int fan_dim, int mode, const cs_real_t inlet_axis_coords[3], const cs_real_t outlet_axis_coords[3], cs_real_t fan_radius, cs_real_t blades_radius, cs_real_t hub_radius, const cs_real_t curve_coeffs[3], cs_real_t axial_torque)
Fan definition (added to the ones previously defined)
Definition: cs_fan.cpp:174