general documentation
cs_c_bindings.f90 File Reference

Definition of C function and subroutine bindings. More...

Data Types

type  var_cal_opt
interface  boundary_conditions_mapped_set
 Set mapped boundary conditions for a given field and mapping locator. More...
interface  cs_f_field_set_key_struct_var_cal_opt
interface  cs_f_field_get_key_struct_var_cal_opt
interface  equation_param_from_vcopt
interface  csexit
interface  cs_gas_combustion_h_to_t
 Convert enthalpy to temperature for gas combustion. More...
interface  cs_gas_combustion_t_to_h
 Convert temperature to enthalpy for gas combustion. More...
interface  cs_boundary_conditions_legacy_turbulence
 Define automatic turbulence values for specific physical modules. More...
interface  cs_log_default_activate
interface  cs_log_default_is_active
interface  cs_turb_model_init
interface  cs_set_type_order_turbulence_model
interface  cs_f_scalar_clipping
interface  cs_intprf
interface  cs_intprz
interface  les_filter
 Compute filters for dynamic models. More...
interface  cs_time_moment_n_moments
 Return the number of temporal moments. More...
interface  cs_time_moment_is_active
 Return if moment is active (1) or not (0). More...
interface  time_moment_field_id
 Get field id associated with a given moment. More...
interface  timer_stats_set_plot
 Enable or disable plotting for a timer statistic. More...
interface  timer_stats_start
 Start a timer for a given statistic. More...
interface  timer_stats_switch
 Start a timer for a given statistic, stopping previous timers of the same type which are not a parent, and starting inactive parent timers if necessary. More...
interface  turbulence_bc_ke_turb_intensity
 Calculation of $ k $ and $\varepsilon$ from a diameter $ D_H $, a turbulent intensity $ I $ and the reference velocity $ U_{ref} $ for a circular duct flow with smooth wall (for inlet boundary conditions). More...
interface  turbulence_bc_rij_transform
 Compute matrix $ \tens{alpha} $ used in the computation of the Reynolds stress tensor boundary conditions. More...
interface  yg2xye
 Compute molar and mass fractions of elementary species Ye, Xe (fuel, O2, CO2, H2O, N2) from global species Yg (fuel, oxidant, products) More...


module  cs_c_bindings


subroutine balance_by_zone (sel_crit, name)
 Compute balance on a given zone for a given scalar. More...
subroutine intprf (nprofz, nproft, profz, proft, profv, xz, temps, var)
 Temporal and z-axis interpolation for meteorological profiles. More...
subroutine intprz (nprofz, profz, profv, xz, iz1, iz2, var)
 z-axis interpolation for meteorological profiles More...
subroutine pressure_drop_by_zone (sel_crit)
 Compute pressure drop for a given zone. More...
subroutine surface_balance (sel_crit, name, normal)
 Compute surface scalar balance for a given surface area. More...
subroutine boundary_conditions_error (bc_type)
 Handle boundary condition definition errors and associated output. More...
type(c_ptr) function boundary_conditions_map (location_type, n_location_elts, n_faces, location_elts, faces, coord_shift, coord_stride, tolerance)
 Locate shifted boundary face coordinates on possibly filtered cells or boundary faces for later interpolation. More...
subroutine field_set_key_struct_var_cal_opt (f_id, k_value)
 Assign a var_cal_opt for a cs_var_cal_opt_t key to a field. More...
subroutine field_get_key_struct_var_cal_opt (f_id, k_value)
 Return a pointer to the var_cal_opt structure for cs_var_cal_opt key associated with a field. More...
subroutine gradient_hn_s (f_id, imrgra, inc, nswrgp, imligp, iwarnp, epsrgp, climgp, pvar, grad)
 Compute cell gradient for scalar with homegeneous gradient. More...
subroutine user_f_boundary_conditions (itypfb, izfppp, dt)
 Wrapper to Fortran user boundary condition definitions. More...
subroutine user_f_initialization (dt)
 Wrapper to Fortran user initialization definitions. More...
subroutine cs_f_usppmo ()
 Wrapper to Fortran user parameters, model choice. More...
subroutine cs_f_usipsu (nmodpp)
 Wrapper to Fortran user parameters. More...
subroutine cs_f_usipes (nmodpp)
 Wrapper to Fortran user parameters, additional parameters. More...
subroutine variable_field_create (name, label, location_id, dim, id)
 Add field defining a general solved variable, with default options. More...
double precision function notebook_parameter_value_by_name (name)
 Return notebook parameter value. More...
subroutine clpsca (iscal)
 brief Clipping scalar field. More...


integer mesh_location_none
integer mesh_location_cells
integer mesh_location_interior_faces
integer mesh_location_boundary_faces
integer mesh_location_vertices
integer mesh_location_particles
integer mesh_location_other
integer post_on_location
integer post_boundary_nr
integer post_monitor
integer restart_val_type_int_t
integer restart_val_type_real_t
integer restart_disabled
integer restart_main
integer restart_auxiliary
integer restart_rad_transfer
integer restart_lagr
integer restart_lagr_stat
integer restart_1d_wall_thermal
integer restart_les_inflow
integer volume_zone_initialization
integer volume_zone_porosity
integer volume_zone_head_loss
integer volume_zone_source_term
integer volume_zone_mass_source_term

Detailed Description

Definition of C function and subroutine bindings.