type | var_cal_opt |
interface | boundary_conditions_mapped_set |
| Set mapped boundary conditions for a given field and mapping locator. More...
interface | cs_f_field_set_key_struct_var_cal_opt |
interface | cs_f_field_get_key_struct_var_cal_opt |
interface | equation_param_from_vcopt |
interface | csexit |
interface | cs_gas_combustion_h_to_t |
| Convert enthalpy to temperature for gas combustion. More...
interface | cs_gas_combustion_t_to_h |
| Convert temperature to enthalpy for gas combustion. More...
interface | cs_boundary_conditions_legacy_turbulence |
| Define automatic turbulence values for specific physical modules. More...
interface | cs_log_default_activate |
interface | cs_log_default_is_active |
interface | cs_turb_model_init |
interface | cs_set_type_order_turbulence_model |
interface | cs_f_scalar_clipping |
interface | cs_intprf |
interface | cs_intprz |
interface | les_filter |
| Compute filters for dynamic models. More...
interface | cs_time_moment_n_moments |
| Return the number of temporal moments. More...
interface | cs_time_moment_is_active |
| Return if moment is active (1) or not (0). More...
interface | time_moment_field_id |
| Get field id associated with a given moment. More...
interface | timer_stats_set_plot |
| Enable or disable plotting for a timer statistic. More...
interface | timer_stats_start |
| Start a timer for a given statistic. More...
interface | timer_stats_switch |
| Start a timer for a given statistic, stopping previous timers of the same type which are not a parent, and starting inactive parent timers if necessary. More...
interface | turbulence_bc_ke_turb_intensity |
| Calculation of and from a diameter , a turbulent intensity and the reference velocity for a circular duct flow with smooth wall (for inlet boundary conditions). More...
interface | turbulence_bc_rij_transform |
| Compute matrix used in the computation of the Reynolds stress tensor boundary conditions. More...
interface | yg2xye |
| Compute molar and mass fractions of elementary species Ye, Xe (fuel, O2, CO2, H2O, N2) from global species Yg (fuel, oxidant, products) More...
subroutine | balance_by_zone (sel_crit, name) |
| Compute balance on a given zone for a given scalar. More...
subroutine | intprf (nprofz, nproft, profz, proft, profv, xz, temps, var) |
| Temporal and z-axis interpolation for meteorological profiles. More...
subroutine | intprz (nprofz, profz, profv, xz, iz1, iz2, var) |
| z-axis interpolation for meteorological profiles More...
subroutine | pressure_drop_by_zone (sel_crit) |
| Compute pressure drop for a given zone. More...
subroutine | surface_balance (sel_crit, name, normal) |
| Compute surface scalar balance for a given surface area. More...
subroutine | boundary_conditions_error (bc_type) |
| Handle boundary condition definition errors and associated output. More...
type(c_ptr) function | boundary_conditions_map (location_type, n_location_elts, n_faces, location_elts, faces, coord_shift, coord_stride, tolerance) |
| Locate shifted boundary face coordinates on possibly filtered cells or boundary faces for later interpolation. More...
subroutine | field_set_key_struct_var_cal_opt (f_id, k_value) |
| Assign a var_cal_opt for a cs_var_cal_opt_t key to a field. More...
subroutine | field_get_key_struct_var_cal_opt (f_id, k_value) |
| Return a pointer to the var_cal_opt structure for cs_var_cal_opt key associated with a field. More...
subroutine | gradient_hn_s (f_id, imrgra, inc, nswrgp, imligp, iwarnp, epsrgp, climgp, pvar, grad) |
| Compute cell gradient for scalar with homegeneous gradient. More...
subroutine | user_f_boundary_conditions (itypfb, izfppp, dt) |
| Wrapper to Fortran user boundary condition definitions. More...
subroutine | user_f_initialization (dt) |
| Wrapper to Fortran user initialization definitions. More...
subroutine | cs_f_usppmo () |
| Wrapper to Fortran user parameters, model choice. More...
subroutine | cs_f_usipsu (nmodpp) |
| Wrapper to Fortran user parameters. More...
subroutine | cs_f_usipes (nmodpp) |
| Wrapper to Fortran user parameters, additional parameters. More...
subroutine | variable_field_create (name, label, location_id, dim, id) |
| Add field defining a general solved variable, with default options. More...
double precision function | notebook_parameter_value_by_name (name) |
| Return notebook parameter value. More...
subroutine | clpsca (iscal) |
| brief Clipping scalar field. More...
Definition of C function and subroutine bindings.