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Using gas combustion thanks to the GUI (V2.0 RC1)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:29 pm
by Commanay Julien
Dear all,
I would like to know if it is possible to activate gas combustion thanks to the GUI (it seems that it is "connected" but I'm not allowed to select anything). If "yes", is there a reason why I can not select gas combustion options? If no, I guess that I'll need to use usini1 and so on...
Thanks in advance for your helpful answer.
Best regards.

Re: Using gas combustion thanks to the GUI (V2.0 RC1)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:20 am
by Alexandre Douce
the setting up of the gas combustion through the GUI is still in
draft. We plan to work on it quickly, but it will
not be available for version 2.0 of Code_Saturne. In order to use gas combustion, you must use the user subroutine
usini1 (for IPPMOD) and user subroutine from cogz directory.
Don't hesitate to keep us
informed of your progress on your problem setting up.

Re: Using gas combustion thanks to the GUI (V2.0 RC1)

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 1:15 pm
by Commanay Julien
The setting up of gas combustion seems quite easy and comparisons performed up to now are quite encouraging.
I'm afraid I still have a problem when trying to restart a run (after having used ficstp file in order to stop properly the run):
ISUITE and ILEAUX are therefore set to 1 in usini1.f90, I copy and paste suiava and suiavx files at the correct location, But... I get an error because suiamo file is required and missing.
I'm afraid this file is not written by Code_Saturne when stoping the run and I really don't know how to handle this problem.
Any advice would be helpful!
Thanks in advance.  
Previously Alexandre Douce wrote:

Unfortunately, the setting up of the gas combustion through the GUI is still in draft. We plan to work on it quickly, but it will not be available for version 2.0 of Code_Saturne. In order to use gas combustion, you must use the user subroutine usini1 (for IPPMOD) and user subroutine from cogz directory.
Don't hesitate to keep us informed of your progress on your problem setting up.


Re: Using gas combustion thanks to the GUI (V2.0 RC1)

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 6:58 pm
by Alexandre Douce
Hi Julien,
In order to make a calculation restart, you have to copy the whole directory RESTART.12345678  from the RESU directory to the DATA directory with the short name RESTART (and without renaming suiava, suiavx... )
Don't forget to update also NTMABS to a greater value!
If you have nice screenshot, please let us see!