Hello all,
I am using code_saturne 8.2 and trying to perform a simple VOF simulation.
I am trying to write a user expression through the GUI for a source term in the momentum equation:
if (t<1.)
Su = 0.;
} else if (t<2.)
Su = rho * 9.81 * (t-1.);
} else
Su = rho * 9.81;
Sv = 0;
Sw = 0;
dSudu = 0;
dSudv = 0;
dSudw = 0;
dSvdu = 0;
dSvdv = 0;
dSvdw = 0;
dSwdu = 0;
dSwdv = 0;
dSwdw = 0;
This should represent a ramp-like gravitational acceleration in x-direction, starting in 1 and reaching the maximum value in 2.
However, I get the error:
In function ‘void cs_meg_source_terms(const char*, cs_lnum_t, const cs_lnum_t*, const cs_real_t (*)[3], const char*, const char*, cs_real_t*)’:
‘rho’ does not name a type
‘rho’ was not declared in this scope
‘rho’ was not declared in this scope
And still, "rho" is found among the predefined symbols for this user expression:
Predefined symbols:
x: cell center coordinate
y: cell center coordinate
z: cell center coordinate
t: current time
volume: Source terms zone volume
fluid_volume: Source terms zone fluid volume
u: x velocity component
v: y velocity component
w: z velocity component
rho: local density (kg/m^3)
Why is it not recognised ???
And "rho" is EVEN USED IN THE EXAMPLE for this user expression in the GUI!!!
tau = 10.; # relaxation time (s)
vel_x_imp = 1.5; #target velocity (m/s)
Su = rho * (vel_x_imp - u) / tau;
dSudu = - rho / tau; # Jacobian of the source term
If I try to simply copy the example in the user expression editor (and add the rest of the terms with v and w equal to zero), I get the same error "rho not declared in this scope". There is obviously a bug here that has not been detected before ...
Source term in momentum equation - GUI bug - "rho" not declared in this scope
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- Posts: 8
- Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:17 pm
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- Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm
Re: Source term in momentum equation - GUI bug - "rho" not declared in this scope
I reproduce the issue also on my side. We'll try to fix this soon.
Best regards,
I reproduce the issue also on my side. We'll try to fix this soon.
Best regards,
- Posts: 8
- Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:17 pm
Re: Source term in momentum equation - GUI bug - "rho" not declared in this scope
Hello, Yvan,
Thanks for your reply. I hope the fix will be useful to other users too.
Thanks for your reply. I hope the fix will be useful to other users too.
- Posts: 4194
- Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm
Re: Source term in momentum equation - GUI bug - "rho" not declared in this scope
I just fixed the issue in master, v8.2, and v8.0 branches, and synced the GitHub repo.
Best regards,
I just fixed the issue in master, v8.2, and v8.0 branches, and synced the GitHub repo.
Best regards,