Code_Saturne cells coupling by PLE library

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Code_Saturne cells coupling by PLE library

Post by yang »

Hi team,

I am working on coupling simulation with Code_Saturne v7.0.2 with corresponding PLE library.

I have achieved such coupling simulation: Code_Saturne receives data and places on it boundary face centre by the function cs_syr_coupling_define[ ... -syrthes.c].

Now, I'd like to achieve cell coupling. Like in the figureImage, Code_Saturne receives corresponding data and place in cell centre (#a, #b ... #h). I found the second term of function (cs_syr_coupling_define) only act on the boundary criteria. I'd like to know how to replace data in Code_Saturne cells.

Best wishes,

Code: Select all

                           "Wall",            /* boundary criteria */
                           NULL,              /* volume_criteria */
                           'z',               /* projection_axis */

Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4119
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Re: Code_Saturne cells coupling by PLE library

Post by Yvan Fournier »


Actually, in the Syrthes exemple, using a volume criteria, you can also have volume coupling, so you may want to look at that code path (in the case, we only use P0 interpolation, but you can use Taylor expansion here also).

To find other examples of mixed boundary/volume coupling, you can look at the code_saturne/code_saturne coupling code, but is is still an old combination of C and Fortran layers, so maybe not as easy to follow (whereas the Syrthes coupling is not really simpler, but at least has almost everything in the same file).

Best regards,

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