Import mesh file from fluent software

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Import mesh file from fluent software

Post by steven »


I am new user of syrthes and I want you my fluent mesh to carry out the thermal calculation with syrthes v4.1.
The format msh of fluent is unusable but it is possible to export my case with ideas format (.unv).
However, when I carry out the import with syrthes (convert2syrthes4 -m ideas_test_4.unv -dim 3), I don't have the listing of boundary conditions.
I think that I have a problem anywhere. Have you been already this type of problem ? Is it possible to use the mesh from fluent calculation.

Thank you for your help,

My log during the import is :

convert2syrthes : convert mesh file to SYRTHES format

SYRTHES file opened : ideas_test_4.syr
Ideas universal file opened : ideas_test_4.unv

| Surfacic mesh |
| Dimension | 3 |
| Nodes number | 1037806 |
| Elements number | 7945126 |
| Nb nodes per elt | 3 ||

Writing the head of the file..

Writing coordinates...
Writing elements...
Ideas universal file closed
Modification of the head file...

Writing the head of the file..

SYRTHES file conversion OK.
Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4135
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Re: Import mesh file from fluent software

Post by Yvan Fournier »


This is similar to other issues on this forum, so you might search in previous posts for suggestions. Ii do not know how Fluent exports its boundary conditions. If you have the choice between BC's on nodes or faces, try both, as one might work better than the other.

If this is not enough, you need to convert the mesh to a format such as MED. One solution would be to convert to CGNS in Fluent, then run a mesh preprocessing step with export to MED format in code_saturne,. This assumes your builds of code_saturne and Syrthes include MED and CGNS support (this should be the case using a packaged Debian version).

Otherwise, if you want to use the internal thermal coupling with code_saturne, you are welcome. There are still a few minor issues, but it is making good progress.

Best regards,

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Apr 08, 2020 1:45 pm

Re: Import mesh file from fluent software

Post by steven »


Thank you for your quick answer.

I must use this version of syrthes caused by different problems.

I decided to work directly with gmsh. I carry out a tetra mesh and I export this mesh at msh format with version 2.
The import seems right but I think that I don't have my boundary conditions however these conditions are present in my msh file.
Syrthes don't list my boundary condition with this import type and I must keep the list number provided by gmsh ?

Thank you for your help

convert2syrthes : convert mesh file to SYRTHES format

SYRTHES file opened : cas_1_thermique_2_test.syr
GMSH file opened : cas_1_thermique_2_test.msh
Dimension : 3

Writing the head of the file..
Reading coordinates...

Writing coordinates...
Reading elements ...
Writing elements...

Writing boundary elements...
GMSH file closed
Modification of the head file...

Writing the head of the file..
Modification of the SYRTHES for the nodes references...
GMSH file opened : cas_1_thermique_2_test.msh
GMSH file closed

SYRTHES file conversion OK.
Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4135
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: Import mesh file from fluent software

Post by Yvan Fournier »


Sorry, I don't know how Syrthes handles Gmsh files (and unfortunately, the Syrthes developers were never really interested in sharing a larger part of the preprocessing stages between code_saturne and Syrthes, as they ware wary of dependencies).

I do know that Gmsh elements can have both physical reference numbers (with associated group names), and lower level (I don't remember the name) reference numbers. In case Syrthes uses the lower level references, you may check the Syrthes logs to see if some nodes or faces do have nonzero references (also check both with nodes and faces, with faces being the preferred solution if it works).


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