Cannot make it work

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Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4125
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: Cannot make it work

Post by Yvan Fournier »


Thanks for the update. I am not familiar with the Anaconda installer or its subtleties, but if anyone has detailed logs of errors configuring or compiling the code with the Anaconda compilers, I'll take a look.

I confirm that in general, I do not recommend installing code_saturne as root (more precisely, there is no need to install is as root, and I prefer to avoid root as much as possible in general).

And yes, the Salome distribution of HDF5, MED, and CGNS is nice, while the desktop integration (CFDSTUDY) is not that useful, and probably not worth the additional installation trouble (I am in the process of making ir more modular so as to be installable separately, in a second step).

Best regards,

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