I have used the atmospheric module for a few cases, and I have randomly some errors linked with the divergence of z_ground during the first time step.
It happens when I want an automatic idealized wind profile, but not on all meshes. I found once that my ground was higher than 0 in the z direction and I changed it (it worked), but then, for rest of my cases it is not...
I also found in cs_user_parameter the option cs_glob_atmo_option->compute_z_ground = false but it didn't work and searching in the src files, I saw that it is activated anyway if I want automatic wind profile.
Here is the error of my run_solver.log :
Code: Select all
Symmetric Gauss-Seidel [Z ground]: divergence after 1 iterations:
initial residual: -nan; current residual: -nan
/home/simeon/codesaturne/code_saturne/src/alge/cs_sles_it.c:4667: Fatal error.
Symmetric Gauss-Seidel: error (divergence) solving for Z ground
Call stack:
1: 0x7f118c819916 <cs_sles_it_error_post_and_abort+0x96> (libsaturne-7.0.so)
2: 0x7f118c80f36d <cs_sles_solve+0x17d> (libsaturne-7.0.so)
3: 0x7f118c810779 <cs_sles_solve_native+0x469> (libsaturne-7.0.so)
4: 0x7f118c40880d <cs_equation_iterative_solve_scalar+0xcfd> (libsaturne-7.0.so)
5: 0x7f118c9b8136 <cs_atmo_z_ground_compute+0x1046> (libsaturne-7.0.so)
6: 0x7f118c51aba1 <tridim_+0x579> (libsaturne-7.0.so)
7: 0x7f118c38d140 <caltri_+0x1c2f> (libsaturne-7.0.so)
8: 0x7f118d265b97 <main+0x717> (libcs_solver-7.0.so)
9: 0x7f118c0dd083 <__libc_start_main+0xf3> (libc.so.6)
10: 0x56163d86b08e <_start+0x2e> (cs_solver)
End of stack
If someone kows why it occurs, i would be pleased !
Best regards,