Hexa dominant mesh

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Luciano Garelli
Posts: 284
Joined: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:42 pm

Hexa dominant mesh

Post by Luciano Garelli »


I write in this Discussion forum in order to know if any was able to create hexa dominan meshes like that obtained with snappyhexmesh. This kind of meshes are very well suited for finite volume method, getting better convergence, lower diffusion between other benefits.

I was doing some research and couldn't find any conversor from VTK to MED or any CS mesh file format.

Someone has explored this kind of meshes or conversor?


Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4125
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Re: Hexa dominant mesh

Post by Yvan Fournier »


I never tested it, but someone (I believe on this forum) gave me a link to the following converter: https://github.com/mortbauer/foamMeshToMED.git.


Luciano Garelli
Posts: 284
Joined: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:42 pm

Re: Hexa dominant mesh

Post by Luciano Garelli »

Hello Yvan,

I had seen this converter but the last version has 2 years and I thought it wouldn't work, so I write a python script to convert VTKtoMED (polyhedron meshes) but it is not as robust as I want, for some meshes appears negatives volume.

I will try to compile the converter and comment the results.


Luciano Garelli
Posts: 284
Joined: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:42 pm

Re: Hexa dominant mesh

Post by Luciano Garelli »

Hello Yvan,

I have compile the converter and it works. I can convert snappy meshes (with and without boundary layers) to CS, but no all the genereted meshes are valid for CS. Some quality parameters in SHM has to be tunned in order to obtain a valid mesh, but once you get the appropiated parameters the meshes can be translated.

The convert has the same issues tha have my python converter, but with this converter it is not needed a intermediate VTK to convert to MED.

Will be useful if Salome incorporate in a future an algortihm in order to generate Hexa dominant meshes.

Once again, thanks for the info.


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