1#ifndef __CS_POST_UTIL_H__
2#define __CS_POST_UTIL_H__
204 const char *criteria_out,
Definition: cs_defs.h:542
double cs_real_t
Floating-point value.
Definition: cs_defs.h:342
cs_real_t cs_real_3_t[3]
vector of 3 floating-point values
Definition: cs_defs.h:359
cs_real_t cs_real_6_t[6]
vector of 6 floating-point values
Definition: cs_defs.h:361
#define END_C_DECLS
Definition: cs_defs.h:543
int cs_lnum_t
local mesh entity id
Definition: cs_defs.h:335
Definition: cs_field_operator.h:54
Definition: cs_mesh_location.h:60
cs_real_t cs_post_scalar_b_zone_integral(const cs_zone_t *z, const cs_real_t *scalar_vals)
Compute the surface integral of a scalar array of values located on boundary faces over a boundary zo...
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:1203
void cs_post_boundary_flux(const char *scalar_name, cs_lnum_t n_loc_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[], cs_real_t b_face_flux[])
Compute scalar flux on a specific boundary region.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:850
cs_real_t cs_post_scalar_b_zone_mean(const cs_zone_t *z, const cs_real_t *scalar_vals)
Compute the surface mean of a scalar array of values located on boundary faces over a boundary zone....
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:1246
cs_real_t cs_post_scalar_boundary_mean(const cs_real_t *scalar_vals, const cs_lnum_t n_loc_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[])
Compute the surface mean of a scalar array of values located on boundary faces over a selection of bo...
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:1106
void cs_cell_segment_intersect_probes_define(void *input, cs_lnum_t *n_elts, cs_real_3_t **coords, cs_real_t **s)
Define probes based on the centers of cells intersected by a given segment.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:259
cs_real_t cs_post_moment_of_force(cs_lnum_t n_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[], cs_real_t axis[3])
Compute the magnitude of a moment of force torque) given an axis and the stress on a specific boundar...
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:512
void cs_post_anisotropy_invariant(cs_lnum_t n_cells, const cs_lnum_t cell_ids[], const cs_real_t coords[][3], cs_real_t inv[][2])
Compute the invariant of the anisotropy tensor.
cs_real_t cs_post_bnd_scalar_b_zone_integral(const cs_zone_t *z, const cs_real_t *scalar_vals)
Compute the surface integral of a scalar over a boundary zone faces, for an array of values located o...
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:1224
cs_real_t cs_post_turbomachinery_head(const char *criteria_in, cs_mesh_location_type_t location_in, const char *criteria_out, cs_mesh_location_type_t location_out)
Compute the head of a turbomachinery (total pressure increase)
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:378
void cs_post_evm_reynolds_stresses(cs_field_interpolate_t interpolation_type, cs_lnum_t n_cells, const cs_lnum_t cell_ids[], const cs_real_3_t *coords, cs_real_6_t *rst)
Compute Reynolds stresses in case of Eddy Viscosity Models.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:706
void cs_b_face_criterion_probes_define(void *input, cs_lnum_t *n_elts, cs_real_3_t **coords, cs_real_t **s)
Define a profile based on centers of faces defined by a given criterion.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:328
cs_real_t cs_post_scalar_boundary_integral(const cs_real_t *scalar_vals, const cs_lnum_t n_loc_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[])
Compute the surface integral of a scalar array of values located on boundary faces over a selection o...
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:1017
void cs_cell_polyline_intersect_select(void *input, cs_lnum_t n_points, cs_lnum_t *n_cells, cs_lnum_t **cell_ids, cs_real_t **seg_c_len, cs_real_3_t **seg_c_cen)
Select cells cut by a line composed of segments.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:210
cs_real_t cs_post_bnd_scalar_b_zone_mean(const cs_zone_t *z, const cs_real_t *scalar_vals)
Compute the surface mean of a scalar over a boundary zone faces, for an array of values located on th...
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:1276
cs_real_t cs_post_bnd_scalar_boundary_integral(const cs_real_t *scalar_vals, const cs_lnum_t n_loc_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[])
Compute the surface integral over a selection of boundary faces for a scalar array of values located ...
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:1061
void cs_post_b_total_pressure(cs_lnum_t n_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[], cs_real_t pres[])
Compute total pressure on a specific boundary region.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:663
cs_real_t cs_post_bnd_scalar_boundary_mean(const cs_real_t *scalar_vals, const cs_lnum_t n_loc_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[])
Compute the surface mean over a selection of boundary faces for a scalar array of values located over...
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:1156
void cs_post_b_pressure(cs_lnum_t n_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[], cs_real_t pres[])
Compute pressure on a specific boundary region.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:588
void cs_cell_segment_intersect_select(void *input, cs_lnum_t *n_cells, cs_lnum_t **cell_ids)
Select cells cut by a given segment.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:167
void cs_post_field_cell_to_b_face_values(const cs_field_t *f, cs_lnum_t n_loc_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[], cs_real_t *b_val)
Compute values at a selection of boundary faces of a given field located on cells.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:899
void cs_post_stress_tangential(cs_lnum_t n_b_faces, const cs_lnum_t b_face_ids[], cs_real_3_t stress[])
Compute tangential stress on a specific boundary.
Definition: cs_post_util.cpp:550
Field descriptor.
Definition: cs_field.h:131