general documentation
Data setting for drift scalars for coal combustion


This page provides an example of code blocks that may be used to perform a calculation with drift scalars for coal combustion.

Physical properties

Initialization and finalization

The following initialization block needs to be added for the following examples:

const cs_lnum_t n_cells = domain->mesh->n_cells;
const cs_lnum_t n_cells_ext = domain->mesh->n_cells_with_ghosts;
/* Number of fields */
const int n_fields = cs_field_n_fields();
/* Key id for drift scalar */
const int keydri = cs_field_key_id("drift_scalar_model");
/* Key id of the coal scalar class */
const int keyccl = cs_field_key_id("scalar_class");
cs_real_t *cpro_ym1_3 = cs_field_by_id(iym1[2])->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_ym1_5 = cs_field_by_id(iym1[4])->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_ym1_7 = cs_field_by_id(iym1[6])->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_ym1_8 = cs_field_by_id(iym1[7])->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_ym1_9 = cs_field_by_id(iym1[8])->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_ym1_11 = cs_field_by_id(iym1[10])->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_ym1_12 = cs_field_by_id(iym1[11])->val;
cs_real_t *visco;
BFT_MALLOC(visco, n_cells_ext, cs_real_t);


Here is the corresponding code:

/* Temperature */
const cs_real_t *cpro_temp = CS_F_(t)->val;
/* Gas density */
cs_real_t *cpro_rom1 = cs_field_by_name("rho_gas")->val;
/* First initialization */
const int n_class = cs_glob_combustion_model->coal.nclacp;
cs_array_real_set_scalar(n_cells, viscl0, visco);
cs_array_real_set_scalar(n_cells, ro0, cpro_rom1);
for (int icla = 0; icla < n_class; icla++) {
char rho_name[64], diam_name[64];
snprintf(rho_name, 63, "rho_p_%02d", icla+1);
snprintf(diam_name, 63, "diam_p_%02d", icla+1);
cs_real_t *cpro_rom2 = cs_field_by_name(rho_name)->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_diam2 = cs_field_by_name(diam_name)->val;
for (cs_lnum_t c_id = 0; c_id < n_cells; c_id++) {
cpro_rom2[c_id] = rho20[icla];
cpro_diam2[c_id] = diam20[icla];
/*--- Gas viscosity function of temperature ---*/
/*---1-O2 2-CO 3-H2 4-N2 5-SO2 6-NH3 7-CO2-----*/
const cs_real_t aa1 = 4.0495e-6, bb1 = 6.2200e-8;
const cs_real_t cc1 = -2.3032e-11, dd1 = 4.4077e-15;
const cs_real_t aa2 = 9.9987e-6, bb2 = 5.1578e-8;
const cs_real_t cc2 = -1.8383e-11, dd2 = 3.33307e-15;
const cs_real_t aa3 = 2.8940e-6, bb3 = 2.22508e-8;
const cs_real_t cc3 = -8.041e-12, dd3 = 1.4619e-15;
const cs_real_t aa4 = 4.3093e-6, bb4 = 5.0516e-8;
const cs_real_t cc4 = -1.7869e-11, dd4 = 3.2136e-15;
const cs_real_t aa5 = -1.9889e-6, bb5 = 5.365e-8;
const cs_real_t cc5 = -1.4286e-11, dd5 = 2.1639e-15;
const cs_real_t aa6 = -1.293e-6, bb6 = 4.1194e-8;
const cs_real_t cc6 = -1.7720e-11, dd6 = 1.8699e-15;
const cs_real_t aa7 = 4.4822e-7, bb7 = 5.4327e-8;
const cs_real_t cc7 = -1.7581e-11, dd7 = 2.9979e-15;
* law mu = a + b T + c T**2 + d T**3
* so cpro_viscl(iel) = a +b*xvart+c*xvart**2 + d*xvart**3
for (cs_lnum_t c_id = 0; c_id < n_cells; c_id++) {
const cs_real_t xvart = cpro_temp[c_id];
const cs_real_t xvart2 = cs_math_pow2(cpro_temp[c_id]);
const cs_real_t xvart3 = cs_math_pow3(cpro_temp[c_id]);
const cs_real_t visco_O2 = aa1 + xvart*bb1 + cc1*xvart2 + dd1*xvart3;
const cs_real_t visco_CO = aa2 + xvart*bb2 + cc2*xvart2 + dd2*xvart3;
const cs_real_t visco_H2 = aa3 + xvart*bb3 + cc3*xvart2 + dd3*xvart3;
const cs_real_t visco_N2 = aa4 + xvart*bb4 + cc4*xvart2 + dd4*xvart3;
const cs_real_t visco_SO2 = aa5 + xvart*bb5 + cc5*xvart2 + dd5*xvart3;
const cs_real_t visco_NH3 = aa6 + xvart*bb6 + cc6*xvart2 + dd6*xvart3;
const cs_real_t visco_CO2 = aa7 + xvart*bb7 + cc7*xvart2 + dd7*xvart3;
/* Viscosity of the mixing */
visco[c_id] = ( cpro_ym1_8[c_id] * visco_O2
+ cpro_ym1_3[c_id] * visco_CO
+ cpro_ym1_5[c_id] * visco_H2
+ cpro_ym1_12[c_id]* visco_N2
+ cpro_ym1_11[c_id]* visco_SO2
+ cpro_ym1_7[c_id] * visco_NH3
+ cpro_ym1_9[c_id] * visco_CO2)
/ ( cpro_ym1_8[c_id] + cpro_ym1_3[c_id]
+ cpro_ym1_5[c_id] + cpro_ym1_12[c_id]
+ cpro_ym1_11[c_id] + cpro_ym1_7[c_id]
+ cpro_ym1_9[c_id]);
/* get x1 = 1 - sum cpro_x2 */
cs_real_t *cpro_x1 = cs_field_by_name("x_c")->val;
/* All gas scalars have the same drift as if1m(1)
/* Loop on fields */
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
const cs_field_t *fld = cs_field_by_id(f_id);
/* Index of the scalar class (<0 if the scalar belongs to the gas phase) */
int icla = cs_field_get_key_int(fld, keyccl);
int iscdri = cs_field_get_key_int(fld, keydri);
/* We only handle here one scalar with a drift per gas class */
if ((icla < 0) && (iscdri & CS_DRIFT_SCALAR_ADD_DRIFT_FLUX)) {
/* Name of the drift scalar */
cs_real_t *cpro_taupg
= cs_field_by_composite_name("drift_tau", fld->name)->val;
/* Initialize to 0 */
cs_array_real_fill_zero(n_cells, cpro_taupg);
/* Loop over coal particle classes
* We only handle here coal class with a drift
* ------------------------------------------- */
for (int f_id = 0; f_id < n_fields; f_id++) {
const cs_field_t *fld = cs_field_by_id(f_id);
/* Index of the scalar class (<0 if the scalar belongs to the gas phase) */
int icla = cs_field_get_key_int(fld, keyccl);
int iscdri = cs_field_get_key_int(fld, keydri);
/* We only handle here one scalar with a drift per particle class */
if ((icla > -1) && (iscdri & CS_DRIFT_SCALAR_ADD_DRIFT_FLUX)) {
char rho_name[64], diam_name[64], x2_name[64];
snprintf(rho_name, 63, "rho_p_%02d", icla+1);
snprintf(diam_name, 63, "diam_p_%02d", icla+1);
snprintf(x2_name, 63, "x_p_%02d", icla+1);
cs_real_t *cpro_x2 = cs_field_by_name(x2_name)->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_rom2 = cs_field_by_name(rho_name)->val;
cs_real_t *cpro_diam2 = cs_field_by_name(diam_name)->val;
/* Name of the drift scalar */
cs_real_t *cpro_taup
= cs_field_by_composite_name("drift_tau", fld->name)->val;
/* Computation of the relaxation time of the particles
* the drift is therefore v_g = tau_p * g
* --------------------------------------------------- */
for (cs_lnum_t c_id = 0; c_id < n_cells; c_id++) {
/* Simple model for Low Reynolds Numbers */
cpro_taup[c_id] = cpro_x1[c_id] * cpro_rom2[c_id]
* cs_math_pow2(cpro_diam2[c_id])
/ (18.0*visco[c_id]);
/* Drift for the gas:
* tau_pg = - Sum_i X2_i v_gi */
for (cs_lnum_t c_id = 0; c_id < n_cells; c_id++)
cpro_taup[c_id] += -(cpro_taup[c_id]*cpro_x2[c_id]);
/* Free memory */