general documentation
Parallel operations

Parallel operations

This is an example of cs_user_extra_operations which performs parallel operations.

Local variables to be added

integer iel , ifac
integer ii , nbr , irangv
integer itab(3)
double precision rrr
double precision xyz(3)
double precision, dimension(:,:), pointer :: cvar_vel

Example 1

Sum of an integer counter 'ii', here the number of cells.

! local value
ii = ncel
! global sum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parcpt(ii)
! print the global sum
5020 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: total number of cells = ', i10)

Example 2

Maximum of an integer counter 'ii', here the number of cells.

! local value
ii = ncel
! global maximum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parcmx(ii)
! print the global maximum value
5010 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: max. number of cells per process = ',&

Example 3

Sum of a real 'rrr', here the volume.

! local value
rrr = 0.d0
do iel = 1, ncel
rrr = rrr + volume(iel)
! global sum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parsom(rrr)
! print the global sum
5030 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: total domain volume = ', e14.5)

Example 4

Minimum of a real 'rrr', here the volume.

! local value
rrr = 0.d0
do iel = 1, ncel
if (volume(iel).gt.rrr) rrr = volume(iel)
! global maximum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parmax(rrr)
! print the global maximum
5040 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: max volume per process = ', e14.5)

Example 5

Maximum of a real 'rrr', here the volume.

! local value
rrr = grand
do iel = 1, ncel
if (volume(iel).lt.rrr) rrr = volume(iel)
! global minimum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parmin(rrr)
! print the global minimum
5050 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: min volume per process = ', e14.5)

Example 6

Maximum of a real and associated real values; here the volume and its location (3 coordinates).

nbr = 3
rrr = -1.d0
xyz(1) = 0.d0
xyz(2) = 0.d0
xyz(3) = 0.d0
do iel = 1, ncel
if (rrr.lt.volume(iel)) then
rrr = volume(iel)
xyz(1) = xyzcen(1,iel)
xyz(2) = xyzcen(2,iel)
xyz(3) = xyzcen(3,iel)
! global maximum and associated location
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parmxl(nbr, rrr, xyz)
! print the global maximum and its associated values
write(nfecra,5060) rrr, xyz(1), xyz(2), xyz(3)
5060 format(' Cs_user_extra_operations: Max. volume = ', e14.5, /, &
' Location (x,y,z) = ', 3e14.5)

Example 7

Minimum of a real and associated real values; here the volume and its location (3 coordinates).

nbr = 3
rrr = 1.d+30
xyz(1) = 0.d0
xyz(2) = 0.d0
xyz(3) = 0.d0
do iel = 1, ncel
if (rrr.gt.volume(iel)) then
rrr = volume(iel)
xyz(1) = xyzcen(1,iel)
xyz(2) = xyzcen(2,iel)
xyz(3) = xyzcen(3,iel)
! global minimum and associated location
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parmnl(nbr,rrr,xyz)
! print the global minimum and its associated values
write(nfecra,5070) rrr, xyz(1), xyz(2), xyz(3)
5070 format(' Cs_user_extra_operations: Min. volume = ', e14.5, /, &
' Location (x,y,z) = ', 3e14.5)

Example 8

Sum of an array of integers; here, the number of cells, faces, and boundary faces.

local values; note that to avoid counting interior faces on parallel boundaries twice, we check if 'ifacel(1,ifac) .le. ncel', as on a parallel boundary, this is always true for one domain and false for the other.

nbr = 3
itab(1) = ncel
itab(2) = 0
itab(3) = nfabor
do ifac = 1, nfac
if (ifacel(1, ifac).le.ncel) itab(2) = itab(2) + 1
! global sum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parism(nbr, itab)
! print the global sums
write(nfecra,5080) itab(1), itab(2), itab(3)
5080 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: Number of cells = ', i10, /, &
' Number of interior faces = ', i10, /, &
' Number of boundary faces = ', i10)

Example 9

Maxima from an array of integers; here, the number of cells, faces, and boundary faces.

! local values
nbr = 3
itab(1) = ncel
itab(2) = nfac
itab(3) = nfabor
! global maxima
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parimx(nbr, itab)
! print the global maxima
write(nfecra,5090) itab(1), itab(2), itab(3)
5090 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: Max. number of cells per rank = ', &
i10, /, &
' Max. number of interior faces per rank = ', i10, /, &
' Max. number of boundary faces per rank = ', i10)

Example 10

Minima from an array of integers; here, the number of cells, faces, and boundary faces.

! local values
nbr = 3
itab(1) = ncel
itab(2) = nfac
itab(3) = nfabor
! global minima
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parimn(nbr, itab)
! print the global minima
write(nfecra,5100) itab(1), itab(2), itab(3)
5100 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: Min. number of cells per rank = ', &
i10, /, &
' Min. number of interior faces per rank = ', i10, /, &
' Min. number of boundary faces per rank = ', i10)

Example 11

Sum of an array of reals; here, the 3 velocity components (so as to compute a mean for example).

nbr = 3
xyz(1) = 0.d0
xyz(2) = 0.d0
xyz(3) = 0.d0
do iel = 1, ncel
xyz(1) = xyz(1) + cvar_vel(1,iel)
xyz(2) = xyz(2) + cvar_vel(2,iel)
xyz(3) = xyz(3) + cvar_vel(3,iel)
! global sum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parrsm(nbr, xyz)
! print the global sums
write(nfecra,5110) xyz(1), xyz(2), xyz(3)
5110 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: Sum of U on the domain = ', e14.5, /, &
' Sum of V on the domain = ', e14.5, /, &
' Sum of V on the domain = ', e14.5)

Example 12

Maximum of an array of reals; here, the 3 velocity components.

nbr = 3
xyz(1) = cvar_vel(1,1)
xyz(2) = cvar_vel(2,1)
xyz(3) = cvar_vel(3,1)
do iel = 1, ncel
xyz(1) = max(xyz(1),cvar_vel(1,iel))
xyz(2) = max(xyz(2),cvar_vel(2,iel))
xyz(3) = max(xyz(3),cvar_vel(3,iel))
! global maximum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parrmx(nbr, xyz)
! print the global maxima
write(nfecra,5120) xyz(1), xyz(2), xyz(3)
5120 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: Maximum of U on the domain = ', &
e14.5, /, &
' Maximum of V on the domain = ', e14.5, /, &
' Maximum of V on the domain = ', e14.5)

Example 13

Maximum of an array of reals; here, the 3 velocity components.

! local values
nbr = 3
xyz(1) = cvar_vel(1,1)
xyz(2) = cvar_vel(2,1)
xyz(3) = cvar_vel(3,1)
do iel = 1, ncel
xyz(1) = min(xyz(1),cvar_vel(1,iel))
xyz(2) = min(xyz(2),cvar_vel(2,iel))
xyz(3) = min(xyz(3),cvar_vel(3,iel))
! global minimum
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parrmn(nbr, xyz)
! print the global maxima
write(nfecra,5130) xyz(1), xyz(2), xyz(3)
5130 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: Minimum of U on the domain = ', &
e14.5, /, &
' Minimum of V on the domain = ', e14.5, /, &
' Minimum of V on the domain = ', e14.5)

Example 14

Broadcast an array of local integers to other ranks; in this example, we use the number of cells, interior faces, and boundary faces from process rank 0 (irangv).

! local values
irangv = 0
nbr = 3
itab(1) = ncel
itab(2) = nfac
itab(3) = nfabor
! broadcast from rank irangv to all others
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parbci(irangv, nbr, itab)
! print values broadcast and received from rank 'irangv'
write(nfecra,5140) irangv, itab(1), itab(2), itab(3)
5140 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: On rank ', i10 , /, &
' Number of cells = ', i10, /, &
' Number of interior faces = ', i10, /, &
' Number of boundary faces = ', i10)

Example 15

Broadcast an array of local reals to other ranks; in this example, we use 3 velocity values from process rank 0 (irangv).

! local values
irangv = 0
nbr = 3
xyz(1) = cvar_vel(1,1)
xyz(2) = cvar_vel(2,1)
xyz(3) = cvar_vel(3,1)
! broadcast from rank irangv to all others
if (irangp.ge.0) then
call parbcr(irangv, nbr, xyz)
! print values broadcast and received from rank 'irangv'
write(nfecra,5150) irangv, xyz(1), xyz(2), xyz(3)
5150 format(' cs_user_extra_operations: On rank ', i10 , /, &
' Velocity U in first cell = ', e14.5, /, &
' Velocity V in first cell = ', e14.5, /, &
' Velocity W in first cell = ', e14.5)