Code Saturn on the Android platform

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Code Saturn on the Android platform

Post by appsembedded »


If one is able to compile and run Code Saturn on the Android platform, would it be possible to create an Android app :
- from a trademark point of view ? (Code Saturn is a trademark of EDF, isn't it ?)
- from a licence point of view ? (The whole app would be under the GPL v3 licence)

Thanks for your help and advices.

Apps Embedded Team.
Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4103
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: Code Saturn on the Android platform

Post by Yvan Fournier »


The Code_Saturne trademark does indeed belong to EDF.
This does not prevent other from distributing it, but allows us to have some control over how the name is used (and to prevent others from taking over the name).

Code_Saturne is a mix of GPL V2 (mostly) and LGPL V2 (a bit). There are no current plans to move to GPL V3 (there would be quite a bit of internal paperwork and justification to before switching, so this is not a priority). As GPL V2 is compatible with V3, I believe a packaging adding GPL V3 constraints would be OK in the context of that package.

In any case, we usually don't control how others distribute the code (though the trademark could be used against entities pretending to be the sole distributors or main developers of the code), and we encourage external packaging but it is nice to maintain contacts with those who maintain separate distribution channels, so as to

- encourage a consistent version policy (i.e. be consistent with the EDF version lifecycle
- provide other packaging and usage recommendations
- ensure others are aware of the roadmap / follow their feedback (a feature request from someone with whom we regularly communicate obviously has more weight than one from somebody we don't know)
- and especially, try to maintain a single user community (it's small compared to those of more "general usage" tools, so forking it would be a waste).

An Android App for Code_Saturne would be fun, but making it useful probably requires some work:
- the code does not have its own meshing tool (or postprocessing either, but the ParaView app can come handy here)
- we run more often on supercomputers than embedded devices, so finding good use cases for embedded devices requires some thoughts (finding applications using coarse meshes would not be that difficult, but building appropriate user guidelines and tutorials would help here)
- the GUI uses Python-Qt. I have no idea how much work adapting it to Qt-embedded type things would require, or how functional it would be with minimal effort.
- adding some specific tools, such as an app allowing managing/monitoring calculations running on larger machines would be nice. I'll be happy to participate in any detail technical discussions for those.

To sum things up, this would be quite interesting, but will probably require quite a few technical discussions to make it really useful (as this is far from the use cases at EDF, it would be more of a "hobby" for interested developers than anything management would care about, unless/until interesting use cases could pop up).



Re: Code Saturn on the Android platform

Post by appsembedded »


Thanks for your reply.
We will study the feasibility. In case we manage to make a version of Code_Saturn working on Android, we will put it under beta release so that only testing user could try it and discuss about this integration on Android.
The goal behind this idea is to find new ways of using such a powerful and open-source scientific tool.

Apps Embedded Team.
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