Error: Unable to import PyQt4.QtCore or PyQt4.QtGui modules

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Re: Error: Unable to import PyQt4.QtCore or PyQt4.QtGui modu

Post by sciguy »

Hello Yvan
Still trying to get this to work.
As you suggested, I installed the "universal" version of Salome in a completely different directory.
When the universal version installs, there is a "salome_7.4.0" directory, and inside this are two direcories: "appli_7.4.0" and "Salome-V7_4_0-LGPL-x86_64".

Then I tried to couple this version of Salome with CS through the CFDSTUDY module as I did previously.
I ran the configure command with the --with-salome=path to salome added to the command. I tried the config command with three variations:
"path to salome = .../salome_7.4.0"
"path to salome= .../salome_7.4.0/appli_7.4.0"
"path to salome= .. /salome/Salome-V7_4_0-LGPL-x86_64

In all cases, when I ran "code_saturne salome", I got the message:
"SALOME is not available in this installation." and execution stopped.

Also, I notice that when I run the config command this way, the procedure does not seem to create any .build directories.

So now I wonder, Is it possible to use this "universal" version of Salome, and couple it with CS through the module CFDSTUDY. If so, could you suggest what might be wrong with my procedure?

Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4103
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: Error: Unable to import PyQt4.QtCore or PyQt4.QtGui modu

Post by Yvan Fournier »


The "path to salome=.. /salome/Salome-V7_4_0-LGPL-x86_64"

variant should work. It might be safer to use an absolute rather than relative path.

Before spending time on this, did you try PARAVIS in this version ?



Re: Error: Unable to import PyQt4.QtCore or PyQt4.QtGui modu

Post by sciguy »

Hello Yvan
You are right.
I ran this version (universal) of Salome, and opened my pipe.hdf file, all works ok. I opened the Mesh module, and the mesh is shown as expected in the Salome window.

Then if I open the Paravis module, open the Paraview file, or the other .case files, nothing appears in the VTK Layout #1 window. So there is again a problem in the coupling of Paravis and Salome in this version also.

I also ran the "" script and in the Python console, all modules test OK until the Test Paravis module again. In the console, I get this message:
Importing paravis... It can take some time.
paraview version 4.1.0
**** Stage1: Importing MED file
Import ""............... OK
**** Stage3: Displaying vector field
Get view................... OK
Creating Scalar Map....... OK
Creating Vectors.......... OK
Creating Iso Surfaces..... OK
Creating Cut Planes....... OK
Creating Scalar Map On Deformed Shape....... OK
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named py
And in the Message Window I get a repeated error related to VTK --- see attached file.

Have you seen these problems before at all?
Many thanks
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Re: Error: Unable to import PyQt4.QtCore or PyQt4.QtGui modu

Post by sciguy »

Hello Yvan
I realize you are busy, but I wonder if you could just suggest a follow up to the problem I have described? There is apparently a problem in the coupling of Salome (universal, 7.4.0) I am using and the Paravis module. As I mentioned in my last email, when I run, there are error message generated during the test of Paravis. I have searched the Salome Platform Forum for any others who have had this problem, and for any hint of a solution, but I have not found anything. Is there anything else you would suggest trying, or is it time to give up on finding a solution at this time?
Thank you.
Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4103
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: Error: Unable to import PyQt4.QtCore or PyQt4.QtGui modu

Post by Yvan Fournier »


I have no idea how to solve your issue (beyond using standalone ParaView instead of PARAVIS as a fall-back solution).

As this seems to be a specifically Salome issue, you may have better luck asking the question on the Salome Platform forum (even if you did not find previous posts relative to this issue on that forum).


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