Syrthes 4.1.1 read data from file

This forum is dedicated to Syrthes related issues, as the Syrthes tool does not have its own forum.
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Syrthes 4.1.1 read data from file

Post by JBL4S »

Dear all,

I know this forum is for CS. But I'm not able to find any information or other forum regarding Syrthes.
Allthough the last Syrthes post in this forum (last April 2014) wasn't answered.

I try it anyway. :-)

The simulation of a vacuum furnace works with constant heat source, heat source as function and heat source as C-file.
But I do not understand how to read data from a file and how the file should be structured. (csv, dat, column, row,header...)
This would be very helpful to compare the simulation with a real run.

In the User.c file I set

Code: Select all

my_file=1;// was 0
/* name of the file */
  char filename[CHLONG]="realdata.csv";
/* number of variables to read */
  myfile->nbvar=2; // time, Temperature

  /* number of values per variable */
  myfile->nelem=500; // for testing
but syrthes complains that user_read_myfile () was called twice and abort the calculation.
If anybody has a hint please do not hesitate :-)

best regards

Yvan Fournier
Posts: 4103
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: Syrthes 4.1.1 read data from file

Post by Yvan Fournier »


Lacking a Syrthes forum, this question fits more in General Usage than Discussion, so we may move it in the future.

I doubt anybody not of the Syrthes dev team could answer this question without studying / debugging the Syrthes code (which everybody is welcome to do), and am out of office this week, do I can't ask them.

If user subroutines work for you, I recommend reading your file from there. It may be more complex and redundant with a Syrthes option, but at least you won't waste your time waiting upon others.



Re: Syrthes 4.1.1 read data from file

Post by JBL4S »


thank you for answering.
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